~15~ (Special Part)

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‼️SHORT NOTICE‼️ this chapter is in 3rd person and may end up being one of the longest chapters i write, also, major violence warning, SO IF U NEED A BREAK TAKE IT NOW... OKAY WE'RE ROLLING

Rafe shut the door behind Y/N. He let out a long sigh as he pulled down on his face with his hand, mouth slightly hung open. He slowly crept to the front door to see if John B and Sarah had made any progress, and sure enough, there were two men knocked out on the porch while Sarah and John B were trying to get inside.

Rafe quickly unlocked the door and swung it open.

"Hey, buddy." John B said, then he noticed Y/N was gone. "Where is she?"

"She got hurt, I have her hiding." Rafe told him. John B looked worried for a second.

"Okay.. Let's get this over with so we can get her help." He said. The others nodded as they all regrouped in the house. Meanwhile, Pope and Cleo were running. The men had chased them with their dogs, not only out of Ryan's property, but into the forest. It was hard for them to run away from the fast dog, the man was slower.

"Pope I have an idea!" Cleo proposed.

"What is it?" Pope asked eagerly. They had to do something and fast.

"Gimme ya hat and top!" She told him. He hesitated for a minute and then did as she asked. She violently threw both items in different directions. "Climb!" She whispered as she took one of her shoes off and threw it as well. Pope was already halfway up the tree, which was high enough. It was hard for Cleo to climb without a shoe, but Pope helped her up to a steady branch. The dog caught up to them and looked in all directions. It wasn't sure where to go because their scents were coming from so many different directions.

Soon enough, the man had caught up to his dog and looked around, seeing nothing. Then, Pope's foot slipped somewhat, making a noise. The man looked up and pointed his gun, but before he had time to shoot, Cleo broke off a branch and threw it at him harshly. It scraped his head, causing misfire. Cleo jumped down from the tree on top of him and punched him, knocking him out cold. As the dog charged at her she dodged it. Then she and the dog were going in a circle motion together.

"I've dealt with lots of' bitches like you in my earlay years, dog." She threatened. The dog lunged at her viciously, but she moved to the side fast enough to grab a rock and throw it at the dog's head. It was knocked out. Pope climbed down the tree.

"You're so badass." Pope said with amazement and shock showing on his face. She leaned in and swiftly kissed him.

"I know, sweetheart." She winked. "Now c'mon! We needa go help de others." She said running toward the house again.

"How am I this lucky..?" Pope asked himself under his breath with a wide grin on his face as he started to chase after her.

"JJ! I saw John B and Sarah go inside!" Kie said, stepping on JJ's hand and holding herself up.

"No way!" JJ said. "Okay we got this." JJ started saying to himself quietly as he jumped up and down slightly to wake his body up. "Okay Kie... I'm gonna make a break for it!"

"What?!" She yelled at him, confused.

"Don't ask, just get ready to run with me." JJ said, pumped up now. Kie looked at him weirdly. "What! I'm pre-pare-ing." He said sassily. There was a pause. "OKAY I'M GOING!" He said loudly and he hopped over the wall. Kie pulled herself up and slid down, following him.

The Best Kind Of Evil || Rafe CameronWhere stories live. Discover now