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My eyes widened at the sound of Rafe's words. They replayed in my mind over and over again. I looked at Rafe as we walked away. "Routledge? As in John Routledge?" I yelled at him in a whisper. He didn't respond to me. "Let me call Sarah."

"I'm not an idiot Y/N." Rafe told me. He was really mad, but then again when was he not? "I know you told them where we were, and it's a part of the deal that I can't tell John B that his father is alive and here."

"That's why I'll tell him."

"You're not telling anyone shit. Why did you tell him you were my bitch? I told you to drop that." Rafe argued. I just looked at him silently.

"Sometimes it's better to lie than tell the truth." I told him.

"You think I don't know that?" He responded. Fuck, he's so aggravating.

"Where are we going now?"

"To get that 100K I need." He explained to me. "And I need you this time."

His words made me shiver. Why was he like this...? God I miss the pogues... "And what I need is to go home."

"Home?" Rafe asked. "I didn't think you had one."

"The pogues are my home."

"My sister?"


"She isn't a pogue." He told me sternly.

"She can be whatever she wants to be, and she chose to be a pogue." I told him, defending Sarah.

"What do you know, pogue?" He rolled his eyes.

"That's it..." I mumbled to myself angrily. He looked at me suspiciously as we walked. Maybe it wasn't the smartest thing to do, but I was going to make a break for it. Okay... 3... 2... 1... I began to run as fast as I could. I immediately heard his footsteps chasing me.

"Y/N! Where are you going?!" I heard him yell at me. I just ignored him and kept running. I managed to hide behind a tree. He was standing around looking for me. But I was right there BAHA! Dumbass...

"Got you!" He yelled as he tackled me so I couldn't move. "There's really no point in running." He said, hovering over me. Our bodies were inches away. He looked at me up and down and swallowed nervously. Then he got up. He grabbed me and pulled me up with him. "That was a really stupid move on your end."

"Is stupid the only word you will refer to my actions as?"

"Change my mind then." He smirked slightly. I was not about to do what I was thinking about doing. Nope. Not again. I turned away from him. He grabbed my shoulder softly. "Come on, we need to check into the suite before sundown."

I turned to look at him excitedly. "A suite?! That's like... rich people hotels!!" I squealed happily. I was actually happy to go with Rafe for once. The luxury was worth it.

"Tch. Yep, just come on." Rafe told me. We walked all the way back to town until Rafe found the place we were staying at. We walked in together. We went toward the front desk to check in.

"Good day! How may I help such a fine couple this evening?" The old man asked. Rafe and I both froze at his question. Rafe snapped out of it first.

"I have a reservation for around this time." He said, leaning on the counter.

"What's the name?"

"Cameron. Rafe Cameron."

"Hmmm... Perfect. You're right on time."

"Yeah, yeah. Can I have the key already?" The man looked at Rafe, a little surprised by his rudeness, but handed him the key anyway.

"Have a nice night." The old man responded. I gave him a smile and then joined Rafe in the elevator. The elevator didn't stop until it hit the tallest story of the building. Rafe and I walked down a few hallways until we finally found our suite. Rafe unlocked the door and I immediately ran in.

The Best Kind Of Evil || Rafe CameronOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora