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I slowly regained consciousness, looking at my surroundings. Did we really break into Ryan's house, or was that just a dream? Am I still dreaming? I didn't recognize anything around me. It looked like I was hospitalized. Just then, someone walked in. It was Sarah. She looked very injured and sad.

"Hey, Sarah!" I smiled, rubbing my head. "Where is everyone?"

She started to break down crying. She came to my side and I hugged her. "John B and Rafe were shot really badly... Kie, Pope, Cleo and I are injured. And JJ's..." She paused, heavily breathing between her cries. "JJ's dead."

I froze. It couldn't be real. "W-what?"

She didn't say anything. She just kept hugging me, crying. I started to cry too. I needed to see JJ again. He was just talking about how old we were all getting and how he wanted to stop aging, but I didn't think his wish would be fulfilled like this.

"Can you take me to John B?" I asked her.

"He's actually having a really tough surgery being performed on him at the moment. So I'm sorry. I can't." She cried. I hugged her again.

"How about Rafe?" I asked.

"He forced us to leave him at Ryan's house by himself... He still hasn't gotten any medical treatment." She said, crying harder. I was pissed. Why the fuck would he just leave himself there to suffer and not receive help? But more importantly, I just wished he was okay. "I can take you to Pope, Cleo and Kie.."

"Yes please." I responded, getting up with her. She led me down the hallways, where they were all three in a room, holding ice packs to themselves, crying somewhat. When they all saw Sarah and I, they pulled us into a group hug. We all cried and stood there.

"A-are you guys okay?" I asked them, scanning them for any serious injuries. They all shook their heads. I made eye contact with Kie. Her lip was trembling, so I pulled her into a big hug.

"I'm so sorry." I whispered to her.

"I'm not the only one at loss here." She responded as she hugged me tighter. I felt my heart breaking.

We released from the hug. I winced in pain for a second, remembering my arm. It had still hurt very badly, but all of our hearts hurt worse.

The doctor walked in. "You're friends of John B Routledge?" He asked us.

"Family." Pope responded, we all smiled at his response.

"Is he okay?" Sarah asked worriedly.

"He's stable and awake. I wanted to inform you that you may go visit him, just be careful and mindful of the severity of his injury." The doctor told us.

We all rushed over to his hospital room. We walked in and saw him in bad shape. I saw Sarah crying. She ran up to him. He grabbed her hand with the little once of strength he had back in his body.

"Sarah.." He whispered softly. She laughed through her tears slightly and kissed his forehead.

"You didn't think we'd let you go that easily, did you?" She smiled at him. He looked around the room, smiling at everyone, until something seemed to catch his attention.

"Where's JJ?" He asked. We all froze at his question.

"He went on a trip." Kie told John B confidently. I understood why. We couldn't have him crying or being upset after his surgery. It could mess something up if it got too emotional for him.

"Tell him to come visit me when he gets back..." John B yawned, slowly falling asleep. Sarah sat down in one of the chairs near his bed. We joined, each of us grabbing a chair. The night was growing nearer. It was basically completely dark in the room with the exception of moonlight and a lamp. Suddenly, someone came in the door. It was Rafe. I stood up and walked towards him. He hugged me and cried into my shoulder. He pulled away. Everyone was looking at him, except sleeping John B. He gave a small wave and tight smile to them all.

The Best Kind Of Evil || Rafe CameronWhere stories live. Discover now