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I eventually woke up again all on my own. I wiped my eyes tiredly and then realized where I was. I wished it was all a dream. I left the lonely, but comfortable room to see where I was. I looked around but all I could see was the ocean everywhere. There was a deck at the back of the boat. There were bars along the side of it. I climbed up onto the metal railing and sat down, looking at the water below. I sighed. These last few days were pure torture.

"You're up?" Rafe said, smoking a cigarette.

"What does it look like?" I rolled my eyes. What part of leaving me alone does he not understand?

"Don't use that tone with me..." He said sternly. I felt my stomach start to churn.

"Ow..." I mumbled. I then remembered I hadn't eaten for days. The last time I ate was with John B, Pope, and Cleo at Pope's house last week. Shit...

"You hungry?" Rafe asked me, puffing his cigarette. I didn't respond. "Fine. Starve, I don't give a fuck."

He began to walk away. "Wait." I called to him. He stopped and looked at me, cigarette in his mouth.

"Come here." He ordered. I was getting up from where I was sitting, but slipped because the boat was rocking. I was about to fall into the water, until Rafe grabbed my arm and pulled me up from the side of the boat. The force of him pulling me and the boat rocking caused me to fall on top of him. His shirt was slightly lifted, exposing his lower waist and I was on top of him, staring at him wide eyed.

"Damnit! You need to stop being so fucking clumsy." He told me, staying in the position we were in. "Well are you going to get off of me, or are you enjoying yourself?" He teased with a serious tone.

I quickly got off of him, my face entirely red. I had to catch my breath for a second. He waited there for me, impatiently tapping his foot. Then I looked at him, he gestured with his head for me to follow him. I did as implied and he had led me to a part of the ship I had never seen before. The kitchen!

"Oh thank god!" I groaned happily. I totally forgot Rafe was there and just started rummaging for something good to eat. I finally found a tray full of fruit. I love fruit! Then I remembered Rafe... My only obstacle against the fruit. I looked at him fearfully, but he was... slightly smiling at me? Hmmm...



"Can I have some?"

"Yeah." He said as he stopped smiling. "You don't need my permission. You're not a child."

I just stared at him, shrugged, and began to eat. It was sooooo good. I literally can't believe I went that long without eating. Eating is so good. I decided I was going to be nice. "Rafe, do you want some?"

"I'm... good..." He said looking at me like I was weird.

"More for me then." I smiled at my fruit. I'm a fruit addict. Fuck drugs.

Eventually I got full. Rafe had just been standing there the whole time on his phone. He was calling someone. "You got the money?........ Well you better fucking have it by the time I get there......... Fuck that!....... Okay, okay fine. Just don't be late then." He said, hanging up.

"Who were you talking to?" I asked.

"I swear if you ask another question, I'll sew your pretty little mouth shut." He complained.

"Okay but you can't expect to kidnap someone and they just don't ask questions." I told him. Like dude.

"Just shut up, before I make you." He yelled, as he got closer to me.

"Make me then." I told him. He slammed me against the wall. I saw the look in his eyes. He was definitely high.

"Don't forget who I am, Y/N." He told me firmly, grasping my wrists and slamming them above my head onto the wall. I whimpered in pain, unconsciously. He let me go and I felt so much pain in my wrists.

"I know who you are, Rafe Cameron! You're an asshole. That's the Rafe I won't ever forget!" I yelled at him as I chased him up the boat.

"Don't fuck with me right now, Y/N." Rafe yelled as he walked to the main control center of the ship. He began to steer the ship.

I followed him, he wasn't just going to walk away this time. I grabbed him by the shoulder and turned his body face towards me. He looked at me angrily and shoved me against the door. We stared at each other in silence for a second, until I saw his eyes trail down to my lips. No. No! I hate him. I hate him. I hate him. Then he aggressively kissed me. I kissed him back. We made out for a little while, he was very violent with the way he kissed, but I wasn't complaining. I could hear us both grunting and panting in between each kiss. Then he got off of me.

"What am I doing..?" He said out loud. "You stupid fucking pogues... Always fucking up my life."

I looked at him for a minute in shock. He was right. What were we doing? We didn't even like each other.

"This never happened." He said looking at me out of breath as he wiped his lips with his shirt and sat down.

"Yeah, totally." I responded, embarrassed. That was so icky oh my god. If Sarah found out....

"Get the fuck out of here, whore." He yelled at me. I was about to protest but just came to the conclusion that it would probably be better if I didn't. I left the room and went to the front deck. I leaned on the railing and thought to myself. I was such an embarrassment to the pogues.. If they ever found out about that, they'd think I'd gone kook!

Soon I started to see land become visible in the near distance. I looked at the window Rafe was controlling the ship in and saw him looking right at the land mass. It was most definitely Barbados. I wonder how things have changed since Singh's death...

We arrived on shore and Rafe tied the boat down. He looked at me heartlessly. "Get a move on." He yelled at me. I hopped off the boat with him and we walked around the island.

"What are we doing here anyways?" I asked.

"I told you already. I'm meeting with someone." He responded, putting sunglasses on. It was really sunny...

"Okay.." I looked at him. We walked in complete silence. There was so much tension, I wanted to die. We eventually saw someone in the distance. It was a tall, chubby male figure. Rafe approached the man. The man looked at me and Rafe.

"Who's this?" The man asked Rafe, looking at me.

"My hosta-"

"I'm his bitch." I said, my impulse taking control. If this dude knew I was a hostage, who knows what he would have done to me. Rafe glared at me angrily.

"Don't speak unless you're spoken to." He told me. I nodded shyly.

"Anyways, Rafe. I have your cash, now where's my boy?" The man asked Rafe. I was confused.

"I'm working on it." Rafe sighed. "He'll be here soon. Two days max."

"Okay. Good. The 100K I couldn't get you is still stashed somewhere around town. I did some research and there's only one place it could be..."

"Where?" Rafe asked eagerly. God he was so money hungry.

"Barbados Bar." The man responded. "But I'm not helping you any further."

"Understood." Rafe replied.

"Thank you Rafe."

"Was a pleasure, Mr. Routledge."

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