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A week went by quickly. There wasn't much change at all. On the day of, we met up at JJ's house again.

"Okay, I'll call Rafe."

I dialed Rafe's number and sent him JJ's address. "He said he'd be here soon."

We all just started to chill out and wait. John B came over to me. "I'm sorry they reacted like that about your news the last time we were here. You all did that with me and Sarah too. I just never told you that."

"Well you guys are fine now, so I'm sure they'll get over it." I said. JJ came over to us and put his arms and me and John B from behind.

"Hey guys!" JJ said.

"Hey?" We responded at the same time.

"This is the most random shit ever, but can you believe we are old now? It feels like yesterday we were just toddlers learning how to surf." JJ said.

"Weird." John B added.

"You're lowkey right." I said. JJ, John B and I were all raised by Big John. JJ had his father, yes, but he was an abusive mother fucker. Us three, well I guess you could say we were the ogs.

"Sorry to ruin the mood, I was just thinking about it. I kinda wished we stopped aging like now. Nows a perfect time." He said. Just then there was a knock at the door. Sarah got up and opened the door. It was Rafe. He scanned the room until his eyes landed on me. I saw him glare at JJ for some reason, who was still hanging  onto me and John B.

"Alright. Let's do this thing." Pope said as he pushed past Rafe and led us all away. We all got in the twinkie. I threw John B the keys. We sat in our usual spots in the van. We squeezed Rafe in across from me.

JJ pulled out his phone and put his arm around my neck. Then he snapped a photo. "Sorry, had to catch this moment for the gram."

I laughed at him, he kept his arm around me and slightly rubbed my shoulder. I leaned into him slightly. I grabbed my phone too and looked at it, but I felt eyes on me. I looked up and Rafe was staring at me. Then I saw him look up at JJ.

"Hey, Maybank." Rafe said in a low tone. "Hands off."

JJ took his arm away from me, throwing his hands in the air with an annoyed look on his face. I looked at Rafe, he was smirking slightly. Was he proud of himself or something?

Soon we arrived. We headed to the front desk. "Rafe Cameron." He said slamming his license on the counter. The woman took it and checked it.

"If you go through the door, your plane should be in there." She said, as we all looked at Rafe with a confused look.

"You have a plane?!" John B asked.

"Yes, I have my own plane." Rafe told us as we ran to the room she instructed us to go to.

There were a few guards, but they seemed to recognize Rafe and let us through. We all got onto the plane. It was very spacious. Rafe hopped into the driver's seat and started the plane. "You guys ready?" He asked and we all said yeah in response.

He began to bring the plane out to the runway. We started to take off. When we were going up I felt my ears popping. JJ tossed a piece of unopened gum at me. "Helps with ear popping." He told me.

"Thanks." I smiled. I was sitting near the window. I was next to an open seat, for Rafe, and across from JJ and Kie. Soon we were steadily in the air. Rafe put the thing on autopilot and sat by me. He smiled at me softly. I smiled back and he rested his hand on my thigh. I looked out the window. All I could see was clouds. It had been a very long day. So we were all happy to be resting.

The Best Kind Of Evil || Rafe CameronWhere stories live. Discover now