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"Like hell you are!!" I yelled at him, coming closer to him. He looked at me funny. "I'm not just going to sit by and watch you kill one of my best friends' dad right in front of me!"

"Then you're not coming." He told me. I looked at him in disbelief.

"Rafe... We know better than anyone how hard it is to lose your parents... Please don't put John B through that." Rafe looked at me for a moment. Then I watched him reach for his pocket and put out a gun. He shot it into the air a few times and yelled. "Everyone get out of here now!"

I grabbed his arm. "Stop Rafe!"

He shook me to the ground and pointed the gun at me. I couldn't believe this. "I'm not afraid of you!" I yelled at him.

"Well, you should be." He said, the gun trembling in his hand. Just as he was about to shoot, someone tackled him to the ground. I got up and looked at the person on top of Rafe. It was JJ. I looked at him in disbelief. I couldn't believe it was really him. He ran up to me and hugged me tightly.

"I'm so sorry, Y/N... You're all I've been thinking about." He cried into my shoulder. I started to cry too.

"JJ.. I missed you so much..." I sobbed into him. We pulled our heads back from the hug, his hands on my waist still, and my arms still wrapped around his neck. He started to inch closer to me.

"You're beautiful..." He whispered under his breath, then he kissed me gently multiple times. I hugged him again, and I saw Rafe getting up from the ground. He pointed his gun at me and JJ as we turned to face him..

"You're just like everyone else!" Rafe yelled at me between heavy breaths. "Just another whore.... Just another stupid pogue..."

Soon the others arrived and saw the sight.

"Rafe, what are you doing?!" Sarah yelled at her brother. He gave her a frustrated look.

"Sarah, I'm doing what's best for me because if I don't.... then no one will!!" He yelled harshly at her.

"Cut the bullshit Rafe. We all know you enjoy murdering for fun." JJ provoked him. Rafe approached him swiftly and grabbed him by the hair, holding the gun up to his head.

"You want to say that again, pretty boy? " Rafe grunted at JJ violently. I knew at this point, words weren't going to help Rafe. Maybe not even therapy. I came up to them and simply snatched the gun from Rafe. Hehehehaw.

"Leave." I told Rafe. He was about to yell at me... I saw it. So we both started yelling at each other at the same time. I didn't listen to a damn word he had to say, just like I'm sure he didn't listen to a word I said either, that was until we both said the same thing at once.

"I was starting to like you..." We both said at once. He made eye contact with me, and I think that's when he realized that he was the problem. His gaze somewhat softened. It started to rain. He walked away, not saying a single word. That was the first time any of us had ever seen Rafe just walk away like that. I felt my heart sink. I dropped to my knees. I won. He had won every other argument, except the most important one.

I cried only for a moment, then stood back up again. John B rushed over to me. "It's going to be okay.." He hugged me.

"John B..." I cried..

"Shhhh... It'll be okay Y/N, I'm here."

"No, John B. I have to tell you something." I said, looking at him teary eyed. He scanned me tensely, moving strands of my hair behind my ears. "Big John is alive..."

"What?!" He smiled. I shook my head yes while trying to smile through my tears. "He's on this island. Rafe met with him for money... I saw him, I promise."

I smiled at him, happy for him of course. He hugged me again. His dad had been missing for three years now, and he was finally found.

We stayed inside a tavern until we all calmed down and it stopped raining. I hadn't told them anything about my experience with Rafe, just that it was bad. I don't even know if that's true or not. I did enjoy myself some of the time. I just know I need to talk to him when we get back to obx.

"Y/N!" Pope called to me, catching up with me as we looked around for Big John.

"Hey Pope! I missed you!" I smiled at him. I really did miss him. He gave me a concerned look.

"I've missed you too... but there's been stuff going on that I thought you should know about..."

I looked at him intrigued as we sat down for a moment together.

"Okay, well first of all, me and Cleo are together now." He smiled happily.

"Aww that's great!" I clapped for them. "I've shipped you guys for like forever." I smiled jokingly.

"I'm glad you support us. Now for the not-so-good news..." He paused for a moment. "Well first of all, we looked where you said to find the cross in your voicemail, and it wasn't there. I think Rafe is still hiding it..." He said. " Also, I know you've had a really big crush on JJ for a while, you make it really obvious and so does he... but I caught him kissing Kiara the other night, and I just thought I'd let you know..."

I looked at him in shock, because I know for damn sure he did NOT just come here, save my ass and then kiss me if he was kissing Kie the other night. "Thank you for telling me, Pope. I'm going to need to have a chat with them." Pope smiled nervously.

I stormed over to JJ and grabbed him by the ear, dragging him to the side of one of the buildings. "Woah, woah! What's wrong, beautiful?"

"I know for damn sure you did NOT just call me that after you were kissing Kie all of last night. Yeah, don't worry. Pope told me everything. I really did like you JJ. But that's too bad for me I guess." I told him angrily. He had fallen to the ground looking at me in disbelief.

"Wait, Y/N, Y/N... There's no easy way to explain this but yeah, that did happen! But we were both out of it... Please...." He begged holding onto me.

"JJ, I'm not continuing this... whatever we had together." I told him, walking away. I walked passed Kie on my way back to Pope. I looked at her. "We aren't on speaking terms."

"What? Why?" She asked me. I just flipped her off and kept walking. Pope and John B looked at me in disbelief.

"Badass..." John B mumbled under his breath.

"Why can't we all just be like you and Sarah, John B?" I asked, dramatically falling into his arms. He and Pope laughed at me. Sarah and Cleo ran over to us.

"What happened?" Sarah asked. Cleo looked at us curiously.

"JJ's in his whore era, that's all." John B smiled jokingly as he looked down at me.

"And Kie?" Cleo asked.

"Let's just say she's the hoe." I rolled my eyes.

Sarah and Cleo's jaws dropped. "Kie and JJ? Together?"

"Should have been me, but he couldn't stay loyal one more day." I said.

"Wait, you guys were actually together?" Pope asked me.

"No, but when he saves your life, calls you beautiful and then kisses you it sure feels like it." I told them.

"Okay yeah... That's really weird..." Sarah added. "How long are you going to ignore them for?"

"Until they apologize. I'm not going to apologize if I did nothing wrong." Then the realization hit me. These past few days, I had been learning to stand up for myself constantly, so I was kind of a pro now. I guess Rafe did teach me something.

The others agreed with me. "Okay, well then."John B started. "Sarah, Y/N, will you come with me to help find my dad?" Me and Sarah nodded at him. "Okay cool-" He was cut off by a familiar noise in the distance.

Ding... Ding.... Dingding...

It echoed a few times. "John B... Are you okay?" I asked.

"That's the exact pattern my dad would use to call me home when I was little." John B said, looking at us all. "I need to get up there."

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