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I stared up at the ceiling and brung a lit cigarette up to my mouth. I exhaled and watched the smoke go upward. I was waiting for my friends to arrive. John B had told us all to meet at his house. Just then I heard the door open. A few moments later, I felt the cigarette leave my hand. I immediately sat up to see JJ smoking it and laughing softly.

"That's mine, you know." I smiled at him, holding my hand out for him to give it back. He shrugged and put it back in his mouth.

"Me and Kie stole them for you, soooooo... technically they're ours." JJ told me with an eyebrow raised as he exhaled the smoke in my face, causing me to cough, as he passed the cigarette to Kie, who had just walked into the room.

"He's being stupid." Kie smiled as she gave it back to me. "Don't mind him, he hit his head on the way in."

We both laughed at him as he pouted slightly, then John B walked in. "So, uhh, change of plans. Sarah said Rose isn't letting her leave the house at the moment."

"Wait, that bitch is back?" JJ asked, for she had previously been in Guadalupe with Wheezie. The only other Cameron that was supposed to be on the island at the moment was Rafe, so we were all a little confused.

"Yeah, I guess so..." John B told us.

"What are we going to do?" Kie asked.

"Well, if she can't come to us, we'll just have to go to her, right?" JJ responded, standing up.

"Yeah.. I've talked to Pope and Cleo. They said they would meet us at the Cameron Estate." John B sighed as he shook his head slightly. I felt bad for Sarah. She never gets to do anything with us because of her stupid family. Same goes for Kie sometimes.

"Tch.. Looks like no more parties and drugs for Rafe now that Rose is back." JJ mumbled as he walked out of the house and into the twinkie. We all followed him slowly. He stuck his head out the window, spit out the cigarette onto the ground, and yelled. "Hurry up slow pokes!"

Eventually, we arrived at the Cameron house. Things were unusually quiet. That whole family had been quiet since Ward died. Then, we saw Pope and Cleo. They ran over to us and smiled.

"Good, everyone's here." Pope smiled slightly.

"Yeah, any sign of anyone around." John B asked the two curiously.

"No-" Pope started, but he was cut off by the sound of arguing.

"You need to get yourself under control!" Rose yelled. We peered over the bushes to see who was arguing with her. It was Rafe. The two of them were on the balcony.

"You don't get to tell me what to do!" Rafe yelled at her angrily.

"Dear god.. What would Ward say?!" She yelled at him.

"He's dead, Rose! Don't you dare bring him into this! It doesn't matter what that bastard would think anyways!" Rafe yelled at her, in an annoyed tone as he waved his hands around angrily.

"You disappoint me Rafe." She told him, crying.

"You act like I care. I don't even know why you came back here. I don't care about you, and neither does Sarah for that matter. She liked living by herself and so did I, but of course you had to force us all back here together to fulfill your fantasy of a perfect family. It should have been you instead of Ward." He told her angrily, getting up in her face.

"I can't do this right now." She mumbled and walked away back into the house. It was silent for a moment, besides Rafe's footsteps pacing back and forth.

"Fuck!" Rafe yelled. JJ was trying to hold in his laugh, I could tell. Then Rafe walked back inside.

"Fuck!" JJ mocked him in a quiet high pitched tone. Kie and I laughed at him quietly.

The Best Kind Of Evil || Rafe CameronWhere stories live. Discover now