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The next morning, I woke up hugging and snuggling into something. I blinked a few times, looked up and realized I was clung to Rafe like a sloth to a tree. I quickly moved away in fear. I just tried to go back to bed, but that didn't work because he was awake now.

"Are you awake?" He whispered to me. I didn't respond and acted like I was sleeping. I heard him get out of bed. He was making a phone call in the kitchen area of the suite. "Yeah... A reservation for Rafe.... 6 pm works.. Yes... Yes, she's here with me right now... Alright. Yeah thanks." He hung up. Oh no, why was he talking about me?

Just then the doorbell rang. He went to go see who it was and the person handed him what looked like two body bags. He's going to murder me and give me to someone at 6 pm. Oh god. Oh no. I started to panic.

He hung the body bags in the closet and went back to the kitchen. I started to shake uncontrollably. I didn't want to die yet... I guess he noticed me shaking because he came over to me. "Hey. Wake up, Y/N..."

I was already awake but I went along with it and pretended to wake up. "H-Hey, R-Rafe." I said nervously. He raised his eyebrow at me.

"Hey... I cut you some fruit." He said, looking away and handing me a plate full of fruit. It was horrible cutting but it's fruit so I don't care. Wait...

"Is this my last meal?! Are you trying to stuff me and kill me and throw me in a body bag and take me somewhere to dump my body tonight?!" I yelled in fear. He looked at me like I was the craziest person alive.

"I'm just trying to be helpful. You don't have to think the worst of me." He responded, angrily.

"Why do you have body bags?"

"What? I don't have body bags."

"Yes you do!"

"No I don't!"

"Yes you do!"


"In the closet!" I said, pointing at the closet as I ate a piece of fruit.

"Y/N... Those are garment bags..." Rafe sighed at my stupidity.


"Bags for fancy clothes."

"Okay... and what about tonight?"

"You're going to be what you volunteered to be."

"And what's that?"

"My bitch."

I looked at him seriously. "You know I said that so he wouldn't hurt me, right?"

"Well it doesn't matter. I need you to do this for me. It's the least you could fucking do after I've been this nice to you!" He yelled at me. I genuinely feel like he needs help, but then again, so do I. It's just not a good mix putting someone with anger issues and someone with horrible anxiety together...

"Please don't get worked up... I'll go with you." I told him to calm him down. I hated when he was angry, so much. He looked at me with clear annoyance on his face.

"It's already 1 pm. So start getting ready." He told me, opening the closet and throwing the body- I mean garment- bags on the bed. I opened mine. It was a short dark velvet dress with skinny straps. It looked very silky and smooth. I looked at Rafe for approval and he gave me a small nod. I walked to the bathroom and changed quickly. I admire myself for a moment. I really looked like a kook. I went out of the bathroom to see that Rafe was almost down changing. He looked at me. He had velvet dress pants on, a velvet suit jacket to match it, and an unbuttoned white shirt as the base. I saw his tie on the bed. It was black. Rafe quickly finished readying himself.

The Best Kind Of Evil || Rafe CameronWhere stories live. Discover now