Chapter 10 - Alls fair in Love and War

Start from the beginning

"But i-"

"It's an order Han, come home" I said sternly as the line went quiet briefly.

"Yes boss, I'll be there as quick as I can" He answered as I let out a sigh of relief and hung up the phone.

This wasn't time for games. We needed to move tonight.

I placed my glass back down on the table as I went to walk out of the office, I had to assemble everyone together. We needed to pack and leave ASAP.

"Changbin, quick" I spoke ushering for Changbin to come close.

"Take the keys to the truck, its moving day, I want you to make a few rounds to this address that I'll text you. Get everyone to pack their stuff and take as much as you can there. We leave tonight" He nodded, understanding quickly grabbing his coat off the hook and taking the keys.

I decided to make my way upstairs, i thought to myself it was probably best not to knock again so I'd send a text.

Chan; Hey Liss, I just wanted to give you a heads up. We're moving out tonight, pack your stuff, there should be a suitcase at the bottom of the wardrobe. When you're ready just leave it outside your room and Changbin will collect it.

Also, when you're ready to talk, I'll be here.

I ended it somewhat satisfied that I wasn't pushing her for answers. Although I was desperate to find out.

I then quickly text the address of our new temporary home to Changbin and headed into my own room to pack.

Knowing Ricardo was in the area I didn't want to take any chances, it wasn't a coincidence as people may say. He's on the move and he's getting closer to what he wants.


But I would never let that happen, I made a promise and I vow to keep it.

I threw in my clothes, shoes and aftershaves in first. Then grabbed my toothbrush, toothpaste and all my other wash bits from the bathroom and placed them in a separate bag to go In the suitcase.

I then keyed in the number to open my safe, taking out the cash inside as well as the two guns hidden in there. Placing one in the back of my pants just in case of any emergencies.

I couldn't risk being unarmed in such a huge operation.


Time passed and we were almost ready to hit the road. Changbin had made two trips already to the new place, ensuring all our stuff was there and ready, including Alicia's.

I had showered, changed and called a meeting in the living room.

Everyone was down here, including Alicia who chose to sit by herself near the window.

"I have gathered information that suggests Ricardo is here in Chicago. Therefore the best thing for us to do currently is relocate. I already have a place sorted and all your belongings are there thanks to Changbin.
I want you to know that this only temporary and purely for our safety, but most importantly Alicia's " I explained standing up in front of them all.

You could tell they were nervous, I'd be lying if I said I wasn't too. This place had been our safe house for so long that it didn't feel right to leave.

"You know we trust your judgement and will follow you no matter what" Jeongin was the first to speak as I smiled and raised a glass to him.

Suddenly the front door barged open abruptly. To my horror it was Jisung, he stumbled in, clutching on to his arm that was pouring with blood, his hands also covered.

Taste (BangChan) 18+Where stories live. Discover now