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Isabel Turner

That night I just sat in bed and thought about what had happened to my life. Why is this happening to me? Charles was in the kitchen and I was in his room. Our conversation yesterday began to change everything. We opened up to each other again, but I was still withdrawn. I thought I should run away. I really thought this was the best solution. It would have been nice to be alone, to find myself again, since Charles will not be the last stop of my life. I put my hand on my stomach, the little treasure of my heart was there. I didn't want this, I didn't want this life. I've been hurt too much...

After an hour I ran to the bathroom, I had to throw up. I closed the bathroom door on myself, and of course Charles came right after me

- Let me help you, Isabel! -  said the boy as he knocked on the door. I didn't answer, but when I finished and washed my face and walked out, I found myself facing a boy with a sleepy face.

- Come on, let's go to sleep - I said and let Charles wrap his arms around my waist. I loved the smell, I loved everything about it, but it was too much for me. I had to go....


Charles Leclerc

When I woke up in the morning, I was greeted by my empty bed. Isabel was nowhere to be found. Terrified, I left my room, but the whole apartment was silent. I found a small note on the kitchen table. I read the following lines anxiously. I took the note and started reading it.

if you're reading this, you're probably already quite upset with me again.
But I have to say I'm sorry. Now I had to go. Please don't come after me and give me time to find myself. Maria will be the luckiest little girl to have a father like you. Don't be mad at me Charles!


I couldn't say anything, I just crumpled up the letter and put on my shoes, then I took the car keys in my hand and nervously walked out of the apartment. Why??? Why is this happening to me???
I immediately started dialing my best friend in the car

- Charles, it's only 9 o'clock in the morning, what do you want? -  said Pierre in a sleepy voice

- Isabel is gone! - I said immediately and the despair could be heard in my voice

- Wait...what?

- You do not understand ms? Why didn't anyone understand me! -  I started hitting the steering wheel of my black car.

- What do you mean Isabel left? Where did she go?

- Sge wrote a fucking letter that she left on the table. You know, the worst part is that she left with my child

- Charles, calm down please! Everything will be fine! Call Isabel's parents, she might be there, or they might know what happened

Pierre gave me a great idea. I immediately called Mrs. Turner, who was helpful, but when she heard that her daughter was not with me, she became quite upset. I mean, it's sad...

- You know Charles, our little girl loves you very much, she loves you more than anything. I remember how she came home from her last day of work at Glite magazine. She was sad, but happy, because with this she admitted that she had made a mistake.
Charles! Isa is waiting for you, but she doesn't know it yet! Please give her time, she will realize she made a mistake

- But what if it's too late?  - I asked desperately

- I don't know, Charles. I do not know....


Isabel Turner

Cody helped me. I never thought that a boy from my past would help me escape from the love of my life. But I didn't really run away from Charles, and I only realized that in Switzerland. Cody was a big help as he was able to rent me a small apartment in the mountains until I got to know myself again. Or at least so that I can serve it to myself again. That's why I'm here. I wrote a reassuring message to mom and dad that everything is fine with me and that I won't tell you where I am right now so that I can be alone for a bit.

My phone rang on the 36th. Of course, this was my 36th missed call from Charles. So I decided to turn off the device.

Soon after, there was a knock on the door. Cody entered, the boy smilingly placed the two brown baskets full of more delicious food on the table.

- How long do you plan to stay? -  asked the boy as he started unpacking the package

-  I don't know, maybe 2-3 weeks? I promise I won't bother you, you won't even notice us! -  I said, smiling, took an apple in my hand and started eating

- It's so weird that you're pregnant - he laughed

- Are you telling me?! I didn't think that this would happen to me from our little adventure - I laughed too

- And will the baby be a girl or a boy?

- Little girl. Charles wants the baby to be named Maria...

- ...Maria Leclerc, doesn't sound bad -  Cody said
- What will you want to see in the area? There are many small houses here with lots of souvenirs. But we can go to town tomorrow and buy clothes for you and the baby - the boy suggested

- I like it...Thanks Cody for helping me out.

- I'm only helping you because you're so unlucky -  he said sarcastically, and we both started laughing

The next few days passed quietly. Cody worked on his laptop every day and I read, walked, ate and slept. My belly grew every day and I started to feel proud of being pregnant. I hoped everything was fine at home. Mom and Dad must be angry with me for disappearing without a word. Actually, when I wasn't lazy, I also cooked. I was trying to be a kitchen fairy and I also read a lot of articles about newborn babies. And Cody and I bought some new clothes for myself and Maria.

At lunch, Cody was finally free so we could eat our ordered Chinese food together

- Isabel! What will you do when you go home from here? I mean, Charles, you know...he's bound to be mad at you, again...

- It's bad to think but I told him he can see his daughter but I don't want to be with him. I am unable after so much pain -  I put my head down because I had so many negative experiences.

- You know, if you want, I have a good friend who deals with real estate. He has an office in London, he is single and his name is Nicolas. You can move back to London if you want, but you can meet him -  Cody said before I completely froze. On the one hand, I was happy that I could start my life again and build something very special, but on the other hand, I was completely dumbfounded. I am pregnant by a Formula 1 driver. Not just anyone can raise my child. Besides, who needs a pregnant young woman?

- Thank you - I lied to the boy and got up from the table and thought it would be better if we ended the conversation here.



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I managed to write a longer part and this is the penultimate part. Unfortunately, the next one will be the end of this book.

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