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Isabel Turner

I don't know if I was lucky or not, but I was grateful because the TV was playing loudly so the boys didn't notice that I had arrived. As I was crying at the door, Pierre stood up for some reason and immediately noticed. He looked at Charles for a moment, then silently walked towards me. I was surprised by his action, and even more so by how kindly he stood in front of me.

- What's wrong? Should I tell Charles? - he asked quietly, and I just shook my head

- I did  something very bad -  I whispered and trembled.

- I did a terrible thing, Pierre - I said, and the boy became gloomy, as if he suspected something of this whole mess.

- I'll be right back - he said and went back to the living room

- I'm going down to the car, I didn't lock it - Pierre lied
- Let's go outside - said Pierre

- Okay -  I nodded and opened the front door and walked out. Pierre closed the door and looked at me.

- Do you want to tell me? -  he asked and leaned against the wall

- I don't work in a bookstore, I work at a magazine - I started to say and wiped a tear from my face

- Glite magazine, right? - he said, and I looked at him in surprise

- How did you know?

- I saw what they posted today. -  the boy shrugged his shoulders, but I could see that this whole thing was bad for him

- I didn't write it..I just...

- You only told them that I used to cry or how nervous I was after my breakup - he said in an offended tone.

- Pierre, I just wanted to finally be a real journalist, and for that I had to play Charles' girlfriend. I didn't want to fall in love, but after a while everything changed -  I said with tears in my eyes

- So you really love him? -  he looked at me curiously

- Do you think? I've never loved anyone like this! And if he finds out the truth and gets to know it, he will hate it. He will hate me with all his heart! - I said and Pierre hugged me

- You have to tell him! He will be angry now, but he loves you, so he will forgive you - the boy tried to reassure. He was nice to me after I hurt him too, but I knew full well that Charles would hate me.

- Why are you so nice to me? -  I asked confused

- Because Charles loves you and for a reason - he whispered
- By the way, you fooled me too, but everyone can make mistakes!

- But he.... he won't be like that with me. Charles didn't deserve this - I started to cry again

- If he wants you, he'll have to deal with that -  Pierre said

- Lorenzo knows about it, he knows about my lie -  I said suddenly, as Pierre's hand came to his mouth

- What? Lorenzo Leclerc? How does he know?

- I met him today with the magazine, he was at a photo shoot with Emily

- Shit! Isabel, you must tell Charles all this today

- I know, but I'm really scared...he's going to break up with me

- Yes, but he will serve it back to you, you were made for each other -  said Pierre with sufficient confidence

- You think?  -  I asked hopefully, squeezing the boy's wrist.

- Once, for sure - he said, but he startled me again
- I'll go, just the two of you talk - said Pierre. I was completely taken aback. Now should I tell Charles that I've completely conned him over the past couple of months? It's impossible for me to be able to do that

- Pierre, please don't leave me alone -  I reached for the boy's arm when he wanted to turn away

- Believe me, it will be better if you tell him now - he held my hand confidentially. Of course, Pierre was right, but I still felt unable to let Charles know the truth.

- Come on Isabel! It will go -  the boy pushed me to the door. I pressed the doorknob with great difficulty, looked back at the boy for a moment, and finally entered my apartment. As I slowly closed the door behind me, my heart began to beat strongly in my throat. I felt like I was about to collapse.

- Hi! - I came out from behind the wall. Charles first looked at me with a smile, then the smile disappeared from his face

- What's the problem, my dear? - he immediately came to me and I held back my tears

- I lied to you -  I started and I couldn't look him in the eye
- I don't work in a bookstore...I'm a journalist or something...- I said and wiped away a tear. I didn't really know who I was anymore, Glite took full advantage of me and ruined my life.

- What? Why didn't you tell me this? - he asked and there was no anger or disappointment in his voice yet

- Because I was the reason those rumors came out at Glite magazine - I said. Charles froze completely and began to step back.

- Please don't go, I love you so much -  I said but Charles just shook his head

- Is that why you were so cold to me in the beginning? This was all a fucking charade on your part!  -  Charles raged and it stung my heart when I saw the boy's shining eyes. I absolutely crushed him

- I acted like that because I didn't want this, I didn't want to fall in love. But I did it, I'm in love with you Charles Leclerc!

- You just wanted to beat me!

- Charles, I'm sorry, I didn't mean this - I cried

- If you really loved me, you wouldn't have done this to me - he went to my room. I knew well why. He gathered his belongings and folded his suitcase. I immediately went after him, not wanting to let him go

- Please don't go, I want to stay with you Charles!

- I never want to see you again -  he grabbed his things and put on his jacket
- Do you know what you gave me with this relationship? -  he turned back at the door. His eyes were teary as were mine

- Hate! -  he said, stabbing me in the heart



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