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Charles Leclerc

It's been a week since I broke up with Isabel. I was angry, angry and didn't want to deal with anyone. I was disappointed because she lied to me the whole time and then I naively fell in love. As I slowly thought back to our first meeting, I felt completely stupid. After all, everything turned out so stupidly, at first Isabel was very close to us, she avoided our families meeting, then she avoided kisses, touches, everything. But then she still met my parents, we were in bed together, she still wanted to kiss me. I don't understand her at all, I don't even know how I earned her.

- Charles! Time to go! - the voice startled. I pressed the gas pedal and was the first to turn out of the garage. Carlos came close behind me with the car. When I got to the track, I collected all my thoughts, I didn't want to think about anything but myself and my little red car. It was just me and my car and my team. I tried to focus on free training with more or less success. I almost succeeded in my plan, but I didn't come first. I went back to the garage and got out of the car. I was very hot, I took off my overalls and thanked my team for their excellent work. I put my helmet back on and headed to the media section. I hated to give an interview right away, but I had no choice. This is my job. Except that now no one was waiting for me to hurry. As I walked between the mobile homes, Pierre approached me

- Stop! I want to show you something - he yelled as I rolled my eyes

- Couldn't it be another time? I don't have time for your correctness now - I said nervously

- No, that can't wait - he said and pulled me away from my press officer

- You are boring!  -  I told my best friend, who just waved. He started pulling us along and we headed straight for the Alpine mobile home. He opened the door and pushed through it. As soon as my eyes got used to the light of the interior lamp, I noticed Isabel. Her presence gave me an indescribable feeling. She was beautiful, but still my heart was on fire. I hated Isabel. In the meantime, I started to feel that Pierre had betrayed me and I started to get angry with him. Everyone started playing with me.

- What the hell is she doing here? - I looked nervously at Pierre

- Isa just wanted to talk to you and I wanted to help her of my own free will! - said Pierre, while I looked at the girl. I saw a treacherous snake in front of me to whom I wanted to give everything 2 weeks ago

- I don't want to talk to anyone - I said and turned around. Isabel's sparkling gaze immediately penetrated my heart, which is why I had to turn away. I didn't want her presence to backfire on me, I didn't want her to cheat on me again.

- Charles, just give me a minute, please!  -  Isabel said in a desperate voice. No....no no no....

- I have no time for insignificant people!

- Charles! - called Pierre as I turned and stared at the boy

- You should have stood by me! Why did you bring here the worst decision of my life ? - and Pierre produced a reaction I didn't expect

- Don't you dare talk about Isabel in that tone! She made a mistake, but so are you! You act like a child, don't forget that you were damn blind and still are! -  I was overcome by anger and jealousy at the same time

- Go to hell! - I pushed my friend out of my way and never looked back. I ran out of the building.


Isabel Turner

I was kind of hoping that Charles' attitude to things would be different than 1 week ago. In comparison, I was crying in Pierre Gasly's room while the boy tried to calm me down. Our meeting did not go as I had planned and at this point I really felt that it was all over. Charles really looked at me with disgust, I knew that he really wasn't going to forgive me now. Besides, I'll ruin his relationship with his best friend. And this reason was the worst of all.

- I'm sorry Isa! -  Pierre repeated as I looked at my phone completely lost

- I didn't want you to fight over me -  I said

- Charles's tone was inappropriate towards you! By the way, he's going to hate the way he's behaving with you now! Sooner or later for sure! - Pierre's words passed by my ears. Charles will never forgive me for this and he will never regret the way he treated me. This is impossible!

- I must forget him!  - I sighed and got to the point where my tears ran out completely. I couldn't cry anymore. I took a deep breath and tried to turn back into a normal person

- Give him some time -  said Pierre

- He won't have enough time - I said and stood up from the boy
- Now I have to get home somehow

- I'll get you a plane ticket for the evening - he stood up and hugged me tightly

-  Do you know that you are a very good friend, don't you?! - I looked at him smiling

- No . I am a wonderful friend -  he corrected me and I laughed at myself

- You should smile more, you are much prettier with it - he said and dialed his coach



TikTok: wattpadgirl.4

My dears!

After much thought, I decided to devote more time to my book The Boy I Broke Up With. I'll finish it! So that's what I'm going to focus on now! A new part of it tomorrow, I hope.

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