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Isabel Turner

- What's up? - Cody sat down next to me, as if he hadn't disappeared for a whole night and left me alone, unprotected....

- Where were you all fucking night? - I asked. However, I didn't forget how nice Charles Leclerc was to me yesterday, and I realized that no matter how jerk the boy is sometimes, I started to like him a lot. And that gave me reason enough not to date him. Of course, the management thought of this completely differently...

- It's a secret - Cody finally answered

- It's great that you just leave me alone like this -  I said angrily

- Who did you come back with yesterday? Or did you take a taxi?  -   asked

Hello- the monaguesque pilot greeted me, who sent me a smile and went on to his friends. Cody looked at me, my face was red and I didn't dare to speak. An unknown feeling ran through my body, which always happened when I saw Charles.

- Don't say anything now

- Don't combine, nothing will come of it. I don't want to hurt him

- Sometimes you could look after your own interests! If you don't hook up with someone very quickly, you'll be kicked out and they'll find another girl to replace you. And then to your dream job of becoming a famous journalist, little girl! ,
- Cody said cynically

- Why did I take this job???? -  I asked out loud. A lot of thoughts started swirling in my mind. I have no other choice, I have to choose Charles. After all, he is so handsome and famous and I will definitely regret this decision. I looked at the boy. He had breakfast with a larger group. He sat next to me. I took the first step and followed him back on Instagram, the boy noticed this immediately because he looked at me. I lowered my head shyly. That's when I decided that I would go through this whole thing without emotion.

However, 2 months later, I didn't realize how much of a fool I was for thinking that.


Everything started to slip out of my hands. Although I got really close to the boy only 1 month ago and Charles asked me to be his girlfriend. I wanted to say no, but only because I didn't want to break his heart. I didn't want him to start hating me from here on out. Of course I said yes, because that was the plan. That was always the plan. Of course, from the beginning, the boy seemed so nice, but after a while I realized that I didn't even know the boy very well. He was untouchable to me. It is certain that Charles has a big heart and he hid it extremely well.

- There you go, it's yours! - Charles handed me a purple bouquet of flowers that he had bought from a small street shop. I smiled because I was really happy about it, everything was like a fairy tale, everything would have been like that if he had been divorced

- Thank you - I said, then I wanted to press a kiss on Charles's cheek, but he immediately turned his head so our lips met and it turned into a kiss. I didn't like kissing Charles because then I completely forgot what my task was and that unknown tingle also ran through my body.

- I'm glad you came with me to Monaco - said Charles and clasped our hands together.

- Did I have a choice? I was afraid you would take the reprimand badly - I said amusedly

- Well-thought.  - the boy nodded when I smiled at him. At that, a little voice spoke in my head, I will be unable to resist him, his life is so wonderful

- What are your plans for next week?- he diverted the topic

- I work, but I'm free from Wednesday - I smiled

- Great, then don't you want to fly here again and have lunch with my family?-  he asked

-  You mean you want me to meet your parents?

- Only with my mom. Father is no longer with us - Charles said, looking up at the sky. I knew this was a sensitive topic for him. I didn't even ask about it anymore.

- I don't think that would be a good idea, we hardly know each other yet -  I said shyly. After all, this wasn't part of the plan, we shouldn't meet each other's families since I'm breaking up with Charles in a few months anyway. It's just a job and it should stay that way for me.

- Sorry, I didn't mean to attack you with this question -  Charles' regretful expression didn't help at all, it made me even sadder

- I'm sorry, I shouldn't be like this, but honestly, it's too fast for me - I said, and that was the truth. Today will be our first night together and I'm dreading that too. I don't want to, I'm afraid

- You know I don't want to rush you -  Charles caressed my face, then pulled me into a slow kiss.


Charles' apartment clearly reflected his personality. The boy loved music, he had a piano, everything was modern, white, but the little things colored the apartment.

- Shall we order food? - Charles asked when we entered the apartment.

- We can cook -  I said

- Really? - he looked at me and I smiled

- What's at home? -  I went to the fridge and Charles came with me
- Would carbonara be good? -  asked because it was the easiest thing I could think of

- I think there is pasta at home - said the boy and grabbed my waist and pushed me away. He reached for the upper cabinet and his blue collared T-shirt slid up so I could see the boy's bare skin. I stared in confusion and then suddenly caught my eye. Charles put the dough in my hand and then put his hand on my waist again and pulled me close.

- You know you shouldn't bother with this -  he whispered in my ear and his voice made my body shudder

- I'll be done with it soon

- Can I help you with something? - I ask as I shake my head

- I'll do it, rest until then -  I suggested

- You know, I'll get used to you being here in my kitchen -  he said with a smile and I blushed.



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