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Isabel Turner

When I decided to leave Glite magazine for good and look for another job, I thought I would be calmer. But as I walked out the door, I didn't feel any better. Charles hated me, and now I didn't even have a job. It was all rather ironic. Actually, Glite magazine just poisoned my whole life, but still I was thinking, did I make the right decision? But there was no way back, and I owed this much to Charles, who really didn't know anything about me, that I was leaving the magazine's editorial office and trying to start a new, better life. I had to pull myself together and find a new job, and it took a lot of strength. I spent 2 weeks on it, and I almost offered a new job, but I didn't really like the place. I submitted my resume to a total of 4 places, but none of them were my world. I began to lose hope completely, and Charles appeared in my thoughts again....I didn't know what to do, I didn't know who to turn to. I felt lost in London.


I sighed as I entered the door of my apartment. I was very tired both mentally and physically. I unpacked my bag and when my phone vibrated I immediately reached for it.

Pierre Gasly: ​​I am in London

The boy's message would have made sense if we talked every week and were friends, but I can honestly say that I haven't spoken to Pierre since I arrived home on the plane about that particular Grand Prix that didn't turn out the way we planned. Since I had no mental strength, I did not think about what the boy might want. I didn't reply to the message. I went to the kitchen and started to prepare my dinner. After I finished I went back to the living room where I left my phone. When it became brighter, the device received another message.
I smiled.

Pierre Gasly: ​​I'm bored

This boy is clearly not going to describe what he wants normally, so I decided to write him back instead

Isabel Turner: What do you want from me?

Pierre Gasly: ​​Shall we meet? I'm alone here and I don't know what to do

Isabel Turner: Do you want to meet me? Why are you even here?

Pierre Gasly: ​​Because of a sponsor I had a meeting with. Besides, I don't really know anyone here.

Isabel Turner: You know where I live.

I didn't want to meet Pierre anywhere outside my apartment, so I immorally called my ex's best friend over. As soon as I realized this, I think my heart stopped for a moment. But then I tried to let go and accept my fate. I washed the dishes and sat down in one of the armchairs in the living room and took out the book that I had put aside so that I would read it when I had time. And now I saw an opportunity to do so until Pierre arrives.

Half an hour later, someone knocked on the door. I opened the door hesitantly, but then I found myself facing Pierre Gasly's usual smile. He had a huge brown bag in his hand, which he lifted up.

- I brought Chinese food! - he announced

- Come in - I nodded and then stood so that the boy could fit next to me. He was wearing blue pants and a white shirt that wasn't quite white, more like beige. The boy looked really good.

- You know, it's quite strange that you're here - I went after him. Pierre was already sitting in my living room and took out my food

- I'll bring plates -  said the boy, then went to the kitchen. I looked at him in surprise that he made himself so familiar in my kitchen in 1 day, but he really brought 2 plates.

- So, I'm not here to tell you anything -  he said, but he couldn't have sounded more suspicious. We started eating and the food was honestly good.

- I hoped you liked it -  the boy said, and I leaned back on the couch and looked at him like

- I love Chinese food -  I said, but I began to worry more and more why Pierre was here

Although the situation was quite absurd, it was still good to be in someone's company. I haven't spoken to anyone in weeks. By the way, I was always stressed about work, so now I was stressed about something else, Pierre. It was nice to be in his company until I found out why he came

- You know...Charles ... - he began, when I immediately interrupted him

- So you came for a reason -  I said and my appetite went away

- No, I mean I wanted to see you too - he said confused and started poking his hand

- Charles is back with Emily -  he said, and my stomach lurched.

- What ?!  -  I looked at him confused

- I only found out a few days ago, and I have no idea what's wrong with Charles

- Pierre?....Did Charles really feel what he showed? - I asked as this question had been on my mind again for some time. The boy didn't call me for weeks, he didn't even care what was going on with me. I was aware that he needed time, but to me these few weeks seemed like a few years. By the way, he decided to choose Emily again and said that she meant nothing to him. Charles got over me in a couple of weeks. Maybe I thought too much, maybe I didn't break his heart as much as I thought

- Of course he is! - said Pierre

- But then why is he back with Emily? And why doesn't he care about me? -  I started desperately gasping for air

- I think he does this under the influence of his family, but believe me, he will come to his senses in time

- No, he will never forgive me

- Charles is an honest man and he needs to work on this for now, but believe me, as time passes, Charles' anger will pass, he will look for you - it was nice of Pierre to say these things, but I didn't trust in it....



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