Writer's afterword

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At the end of each of my books, there must be a few thoughts from me, the author. First of all, as you can guess, I'm not really an outstanding writer, I do this for my own pleasure, to entertain myself. In any case, it gives me great pleasure that many people are interested in my works.
I think this book is a little different from the others. This was the story of which just popped into my head and the other thoughts came. I don't think it's real, in fact I can't imagine Charles Leclerc like that, but it still worked. You guys really loved this, so I'm totally swooning. Every minute I get to spend with you fills me with happiness.

In addition, my TikTok page has also become very popular with you, I post a lot of POV videos there, so you should watch at least one of my videos at least once.

Also, I can't stop writing. I want to write a new story, but I don't know who the main character should be in my book. Charles possibly again? A thousand books about him would not be enough, because he is so perfect.

Every day when I close my eyes, I know that one day I will be standing next to him and everything will be like this summer when I met him at one of the Grand Prix. He was breathtaking and a dream man. Whoever becomes his girlfriend will be a very lucky girl!

I have often thought that this is really unnecessary, but some people are so kind to me that I cannot put it into words. Then I thought of this question? Which book is your favorite? All of them are special, but for me maybe The Boy I Broke Up With or Between two Fires.

These two books were probably the best. But anyway, I'm curious about your opinion!

Finally, I would like you to help me. Feel free to write me a little message about your idea for my next book!
Another Charles Leclerc fanfiction? You decide!

P.S.: Anyone who saw the first two Grand Prix in the Arab Emirates is as sad as I am? I'm thinking that I'll have to go after Charles because this boy needs a proper team, to be officially the number one driver and of course a big hug from me! What do you think of FERRARI's performance this year?

Love ya!


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