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Isabel Turner

I took Charles to my favorite restaurant, who looked around the city like a real tourist. Fortunately, he wasn't angry with me, but even then I started to feel so distant from him. But he started talking to me with his usual kindness, which reassured me. We entered the small restaurant and chose a table by the window. Charles didn't want to sit in the most secluded place, so I didn't force it either. I tried to smile and feel good. The small restaurant had a family atmosphere, with brown tables and real carved chairs. The wallpaper was dark blue and the restaurant was full of small sailing ship decorations. The name Caravella also suggested this. I was happy that Charles was smiling, it meant that he also liked the place.

- You used to come here with your friends? - Charles asked, looking at the menu

- Sometimes I have few friends - I said and closed the book

- You don't talk about your friends - he said, looking deeply into my eyes. I broke eye contact as I looked at my hands in confusion. I didn't want to tell him all my personal secrets right away, and it would have been a bit strange for him how a girl can live without friends?! , but I am the proof that sometimes you manage to somehow survive the days. Charles had a much simpler life. He had Carlos and Lando Norris and who knows how many other people there. Nobody for me.

- Honestly, I don't have any friends - I said
- And I'd rather sit here alone for a coffee after work

- I have a hard time believing this about you - he shook his head

- But that's the way it is

- Are you alone in all of London?

- My parents still here -I said confused


- They want to move to France - I said and sighed as I only learned this news a few days ago

- And you don't want to go with them? You know Monaco would be closer...- said Charles, and I knew what he meant. My heart sank every time I thought about what it would be like without Charles by my side. I will live gray weekdays alone again. In the meantime, the waiter also arrived. Charles asked for food and so did I, then the waiter left.

- So you don't want to go to France with them? - he inquired further. It was clear that since my magazine is here, I cannot leave here. Also, right now I'm leading a wonderful person astray just so I can be a regular journalist

- Not at all - I said and tried not to look the boy in the eye

- And if I gave you a good reason? - the boy began
- How did you like Monaco?

- It was very nice, but it's good here for me - I said, answering a little rudely. I knew what he wanted, I knew that he wanted us to be closer to each other. I, on the other hand, didn't want this, that is, not my brain, but my heart, my heart belonged to Charles a long time ago...

- It's going to rain -  I broke off our topic of conversation when Charles nodded. In the meantime, they brought out our food. The waiter shakily placed our plate on the table while we both looked at him strangely.

- If it's not a problem, maybe we could take a picture together Mr. Leclerc?  - The waiter asked. Charles laughed to himself and then took the picture and the waiter went on happily. I couldn't imagine what it would be like to live like this, so that half the world knows me, or at least 100 million people.

We started our dinner and it started to rain. I was hoping that it would stop by the time we left for home because we didn't have an umbrella.

- There is a race in Belgium next week. Would you like to come with me? - Charles asked. Strangely, my stomach didn't cringe, I rather wanted the boy's closeness.

- Of course I'll get there - I said with a smile and shouted to myself what the hell is wrong with me. My heart was pounding just thinking that Charles was so attentive to me

- I'm really happy about that - said the boy. Honestly, I didn't understand one thing. Charles could have had anyone, but why did he choose me? Why do I care about him so much? Why does he trust me so much?

After dinner, Charles paid for our meal, even though it was my plan all along that I wouldn't let him pay. We stepped out into the pouring rain, then he took my hand and we ran home. Before anything like this, I would never have imagined that I would one day walk around London in such a romantic way. In a few moments we reached my small apartment on the 3rd floor.

-I was tired -  I admitted

- Believe me , I am too - yawned Charles, who became even sexier with his wet hair. Meanwhile, I opened the door and we entered the apartment

- Go,  take a shower - I suggested

- Alright -  the boy nodded as he went into the living room, looked for something in his suitcase and then disappeared into the bathroom. When it was quiet, I took out my phone and checked my messages.

Mr.Sherly: Any new rumours? It is enough to describe it briefly, we will add the rest.

Guilt immediately crossed my chest. I didn't have the strength to write back, this afternoon was too beautiful to spoil so easily.

As soon as I sat down on the couch, Charles appeared and brought his scent with him. The boy was standing in front of me in gray pajamas, I couldn't even speak at first

- I'll get you a pillow and a blanket - I said and went to the closet. Charles made his bed, and then I went to bathe. I ran the warm water on myself for a long time and then washed my hair. I got out of the bath with my hair wet. Charles was still sitting in the living room.

- Do you want to come in to sleep? - I asked, and the boy nodded.

- Yes - he nodded immediately
Charles closed the door behind him and went around my bed to the other side. He lay down next to me and butterflies woke up in my stomach. Charles's hands started caressing my back, and then his warm palms touched my lips. He blew a long, hot kiss on my lips. That's how we fell asleep.



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