Never Bring a Non-Silver Knife to a Werewolf Fight - 22

Start from the beginning

"I don't know if I like my sneak attack anymore... but if it doesn't involve killing, then I'm fine!" Enid followed with a skip, giggling along.

"Do not worry, Enid. They are just petty bandits. I assume they are the same groups tormenting the towns around this part of the country... so as much as they deserve death, I think the town would prefer the thieves' humiliation and embarrassment instead of death."

"Really?" the blonde chimed, "That's quite a strange perspective from you, Wends. Thought you were into the death part-"

"What did you call me?"

"Nothing~" Enid just giggled and skipped a bit farther ahead, "so~ we are gonna humiliate and embarrass these bandits? How?"

"First, we will take them down... then we'll go from there. They deserve to be put in front of a crowd and laughed at," and with those last words, the day had disappeared beyond the horizon, and darkness filled their world.

Wednesday and Enid simultaneously turned their heads toward the cloudy sky in the exact location where the full moon would reveal itself to the world.

The Addams looked back to the werewolf girl who had already prepared herself for her transformation.

She had a slightly nervous and excited smile, she trusts that Wednesday will help control her.

Wednesday carefully hid their packs behind bushes and parts of nature, and returned to Enid around the corner.

The goth gave a tiny smirk and leaned toward her, "Remember. Only injure them. As much as I am fascinated by seeing petty bandits being slaughtered... seeing them being humiliated will be better for both of us and the towns."

"Gotcha, Wends-"

"What did I say about-" Wednesday sighed when the blonde had already sprinted off.

The blonde looked back and smiled with a wave, "You never said anything!" she said.

Wednesday watched Enid disappear into the darkness of the forest, and walked toward an opening in the trees. She lit a lantern and placed it to the side and sat down in the middle, almost like she was summoning something.

She sat there, legs crossed and hands on her knees, patiently waiting.

A little thought invaded her mind, the same one for the past few days... her hand went to touch her cheek, where Enid had kissed her, and a heavy exhale came from her nose.

"Curses," she muttered.

Soon, in the quiet forest of only owls hooting and crickets chirping, Wednesday heard the sounds of leaves crunching and twigs snapping, getting closer and closer.

Her gut was right, there were the exact number as she predicted and they were exactly who they thought they were.

"Well, well... looks like we got ourselves the bounty, mates!" a gruff voice of a female laughed.

"Holy c- no way! It is her! That missing Addams girl from those posters!"

"Seriously though, who spells Adam with two D's?"

Wednesday raised a brow and stared at the silhouette pointing at her, So they saw the posters? Hm.

"Shut your mouth, because hell yeah, we got it. Now our ransom is for sure gonna work. We're gonna ask for ten times their offering reward!"

"Make it twenty!"

"No! Sixty times! Even split! That way I don't have to deal with your greedy asses anymore!"

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