First Stop, Somewhere - 6

Start from the beginning

Yet again, her face still straight and expressionless.

"Are you into jazz? Oh wait, I heard this one-" Enid cleared her throat and put on an awkward face, "ya like jazz?"

Still the same silence and no face- oh wait no, it's different, she's now glaring daggers at her.

Wednesday spoke in her flat tone, "Small talk. It's a pointless and awkward way of conversation between two."

Enid looked away to the side with a small sigh, "Well, it could help the two get to know each other."

"Know each other of worthless and unnecessary information," Wednesday just said coldly.

Enid let out another disappointed sigh and just kept walking forward, her eyes set on the forest floor, I'm just trying to get along with you.

Then, with her keen sense of hearing, she heard a very tiny sigh from the goth.

"I'm not into other genres that ruin the meaning of music and give music itself a bad name-"

Enid scoffed lightly, "Psh, not all music is that bad. I mean there's pretty good folk-pop and-"

"I am however... into classical music."

"C-classical?" the blonde's eyebrows raised in curiosity.


"Classical, really? To be honest I thought you were into the death organs and shit and-"

"Unless you're a deaf werewolf, you have terrible hearing. Yes, I'm into classical. I'm not going to repeat it."

"Hm, never figured. Never judge a book-"

"By its cover," Wednesday finished Enid's sentence, earning a surprise look from the blonde.

"Did you just finish my sentence?" a small lopsided smile appeared on Enid's face.

"I find the expression of judging a book quite overly used by others, but however it can be a good sense of mind."

Uh, but she just finished my sentence! Enid still waiting for her response on that.

But typical Wednesday ignored it and returned to the original subject, "Classical music is the only music I enjoy."

"Well, me, you could probably tell by me, I'm into the pop and folk music! Ya know? The one where you hop and dance around and kick your legs up and wave your hands in the air! Dancing!"

"If you call that dancing, then you call a chicken flock dying dancing as well," Wednesday retorted, "once again, those supposed-dancers give a bad name to dancing. They tarnish the name of dancing."

"Well, different areas of emotions calls for different ways to experience it, I guess," Enid quietly said back.

The goth for once glanced to the side at Enid as she stared down at the forest floor again. She saw the crystal blue eyes slightly shimmer even as the daylight made her face glint.

"I play the cello."

Enid's eyes drizzled with awe and her jaw dropped, a quick gasp escaping her mouth, "OMG! You never told me you played such a hard instrument!"

"I never told y-"

"That is like crazy talented of you, We-... Addams!" the blonde giggled, "Must be so cool to play that thing and awesome sounding! You have some pretty cool skills!"

"T-thank you," Wednesday's voice was so quiet that not even Enid's senses could pick them up. She looked away with her expressionless face, with a subtle hint of softness.

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