Mrs. Jeon bared her fangs as soon as Jungkook left.

She hatefully stared at Lisa. "What are you trying to do? What did you tell my son? How did you trick him into bringing you here?"

"I didn't say anything. I remember telling you that I was going to come for dinner a few days ago, did you forget?"

"I can't believe that you actually came. Let me tell you... leave, I don't want to see you again, and take your stupid stuff back with you, I don't want them... I won't accept you... even if you suck up to me and buy me things." Mrs. Jeon threw the presents hard onto the floor.

"Ha... you make it sound like I want to accept you. The truth is, I didn't buy any of this, Jungkook did. Did you really think that I'd spend a penny on you, given our horrible relationship? Don't think too much. You can throw all that away, but you'll be throwing away Jungkook's money. Oh... right, I forgot to tell you, did you see the Audi R8 parked up front? Kook bought it for me as a present. He will buy anything for me as long as I want it. Didn't you say that I wanted a portion of your wealth? You're right, it sure feels good to be rich..."

"You're such a thick-skinned woman, I really don't understand why my son would fall in love with you. I can't believe you have the audacity to say all that in front of me. After everything you did, isn't your ultimate goal to get my son to spend money on you? If you want money, just tell me, I'll give it to you, I don't mind helping the homeless. Once you get money, get the hell out of our faces, you nauseate us."

"I'm sorry, but you won't be able to give me the amount that I want. I want the whole Jeon Corporation."

"You..." Furious, Mrs. Jeon felt short of breath and fell back onto the couch.

Just then, Jungkook and his father came downstairs...

Just as Mrs. Jeon was about to cry and complain, Lisa immediately went to help her up. "Auntie, are you alright? That was so dangerous, why did you have to wear high heels at home? You could've injured yourself!"


"I'm sorry, I can only call you 'auntie'. After all, you and Uncle didn't give me permission and your blessings." Lisa continued to smile, pushing Mrs. Jeon's words back into her mouth.

Jungkook came downstairs with a smile on his face, "See, she is unhappy because you haven't given her your blessings."

"Yes, we do need to do that. Let's pick out a date and hold a make-up reception for the two of you," Mr. Jeon said slowly.

"Thank you, Uncle." Lisa smiled as she walked up to Jungkook.

Mrs. Jeon was so furious that tears welled up in her eyes; however, she couldn't say anything, because Lisa had stuffed her mouth with a metaphorical sock.

"What's wrong? Why are you crying? You just slipped, didn't you?" Mr. Jeon walked over to his wife and helped her up.

"Thank you for dinner, we will get going now. We'll make sure to come to see you guys more often." Lisa emphasized 'more often'.

Then, she locked arms with Jungkook and left...

As soon as they left, Mrs.Jeon sat on the couch and began wailing.

"What on earth did I do to deserve this, why would Kook marry a woman like that? He's pushing me off a cliff."

"What's wrong...?" Mr Jeon was confused as to why his wife was agitated.

"Did you see the show that little vixen just put on? She has our son on a leash and is pretending to be a good daughter-in-law in front of us. You have no idea what she said to me when you guys were upstairs just now."

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