Sooyoung sighed. She had been savvy her whole life, but somehow she gave birth to two idiots.

Back when she was in her prime, she outwitted all of Mr. Oh's lovers and even faced his legal wife, head-on. Now, she was still at it, trying to outwit Sehun for her children. When would she be able to take a break?

The road to marrying rich often looked glamorous on the outside, but only those who actually walked down that path will understand how difficult it was.

No one else knew how cruel in-fightings were, other than those who've experienced it.

"Come with me..."

"Mom, where are we going?"

"The slum."

"The slum? Why are we going there? It's dirty and disgusting, and smells terrible," Nancy complained.

"We're going to go and look for Lisa's mother. Perhaps we can convince her."

Sooyoung sat in Nancy's Porsche 911. It was very attention-grabbing as the luxurious car parked in front of the courtyard entrance.

Lisa's mother was sitting in the courtyard washing blankets. Her expression changed in a flash when she took notice of Sooyoung .

"Sis... it's been a while. I hope you are well." Sooyoung smiled.

"What are you doing here?" Lisa's mother glared at Sooyoung and asked without much patience in her voice.

"Oh why, I am here to visit you, of course!"

"You're here to visit me? What a joke! Are you here to see how poorly I've been living? Well, all thanks to you, I've been living the dream. I never have to worry about my children being suppressed by anyone. They never have to live in fear of someone taking things away and leaving them with nothing. My daughter is working and supporting herself, and my son is now in university. The three of us are very happy, so, Celebrity Sooyoung, why don't you go back to where you came from? There's no room here for you."

"Hey, watch your tone when you speak to my mother, you old hag!"

Lisa's mother barely glanced at Nancy, "Of course you are that man's daughter. Not only do you look like him, but your personality is like him as well, self-entitled and annoying. Who would want to marry you?"

"Are you saying I'm unmarriable? You stupid old hag!"

"Nancy, don't be rude," Sooyoung immediately interjected.

"Sis, I'm not here to fight this time. I'm here to make a deal with you."

"A deal?" Lisa's mother curiously observed the mother and daughter.

"Yes, a deal..."

"What's the deal?"

"Convince Lisa to come back to the Oh Corporation to assist us. I promise to give you a fully furnished, one-hundred square meter apartment in Gangnam. Just look at the place you're living in right now. Not only is it far from downtown, but its environment is also terrible as well. Hot in the summer and cold in the winter, how can anyone live here? Oh, and your son, isn't he eighteen or nineteen now? He will eventually marry a girl, and you can't possibly give this old piece of crap house to your future daughter-in law, can you? I doubt any girl would have much interest in this place. Remember, those who adjust their actions to match the times are wise."

"Well, aren't you generous. A fully furnished, one-hundred square meter apartment in Gangnam?" Lisa's mother chuckled.

"That's right. With today's market, a hundred square meters is worth so much. Not a bad deal, right? Not to mention, as soon as Lisa enters the Oh Corporation, she will be exposed to even more benefits. Wasn't your biggest wish to see the Oh family and Nancy's father to admit Lisa is his daughter?"

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