Perhaps because of frequent touching with hands, the photo has long been blurred.

"Give it back to me!" Tiger was in a hurry, he pushed Mi Xun and jumped up from the bed, without his right leg prosthesis, he hit the ground hard, even so, he supported himself with both hands, facing Xie Jingyun direction, step by step.

Xie Jingyun hurriedly handed him the necklace, and Tiger stroked the necklace carefully, making sure it was not damaged before jumping back to the bed silently.

"That's your family?" Xie Jingyun couldn't help asking.

Tiger didn't say a word, as if the fight with Mi Xun just now was just an illusion.

"In my hometown, there is a legend, do you want to hear it?" His dark eyes were like whirlpools, silently locking on the prey, "It's about what happens after death." Mi Xun didn't think about it so much, he likes to listen to

stories , especially unheard stories. Throwing Tiger aside, Mi Xunfei ran out quickly, and within two minutes brought a few plates of melon seeds, peanuts and fruits: "Tell me quickly."

Xie Jingyun, who was going to fish, said: "..."

Tiger looked disdainful on the surface, but secretly supported him. ears.

"In my hometown, people don't disappear after death. The death of the body makes the soul an independent existence." In order to take care of the two interstellar people, Xie Jingyun tried to explain it in terms they could understand, "In an independent space, there is a soul. They will live there until they are re-entered into their mother's womb and reborn as human beings." Mi Xun frowned: "Then when they speak, the world

will be in chaos!"

Resentment, can you really let go easily?

Xie Jingyun chuckled: "There is a bridge in the city of souls, named Naihe Bridge. There is an old woman on the bridge. Every reincarnated soul will drink a bowl of soup and forget the past." Mi Xun couldn't help but click his tongue

: "Xiao Xie, your hometown is amazing."

The imagination is so rich.

Tiger sneered: "Boring."

It was impossible to see that he had been eavesdropping just now.

boring? Xie Jingyun lowered his eyes and continued to tell the story of his hometown.

"It is rumored that if a person has great regrets or concerns in life, they will refuse to be reincarnated as human beings. They will stand under the Nai River Bridge, enduring loneliness and suffering, waiting for decades, just waiting for that concern, and regretting Tell him."

Mi Xun didn't expect this kind of development.

Perhaps Xie Jingyun's voice was too deep, and a figure standing silently appeared in Mi Xun's mind. All kinds of people around hurried onto the bridge and drank the bowl of soup to forget the past. There was only that figure from the back, persistently looking into the distance, running against everyone, just waiting for a small hope.

Mi Xun's nose was sore, he blinked his eyes to cover up, and asked sullenly: "Will you wait? I will definitely wait!"

Otherwise, it would be too pitiful.

Xie Jingyun shrugged his shoulders: "Some are very lucky and wait for the person who will hold the hand to make an appointment, while others just wait for decades for that person to form a new relationship."

Why is this!

Mi Xun almost jumped up and yelled at Xie Jingyun: "Xiao Xie, your story is not good at all."

✓Those years when I opened a holiday parkМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя