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(Asriel POV)

I got to (Y/N)'s house and Abby answered the door.
"Asriel, you can't be here." , Abby said.
"(Y/N) needs me." , I said.
"*sighs*. Alright fine. Only because I answered the door."
I ran upstairs to (Y/N)'s room.
She was on the floor, crying and shaking.
"(Y/N). Hey, focus on me." , I said, gently.
(Y/N) saw me and hugged me shaking/crying.
"Sweetie what happened?" , I asked.
"I ended up passing out on the floor. I was so scared." , (Y/N) replied.
"I thought the medicine was helping you?"
"Apparently not. I'll read the back of it tomorrow."
"Im worried about you." , I said.
"I'll be alright, Azzy." , (Y/N) said, petting my fur.
I blushed slightly.

(Y/N)'s POV —the next day

I read up on the anxiety meds.
It cause you to pass out within 4-8 weeks. Geez. Thanks for that.
"Are you feeling okay?" , Asriel asked me as I walked into gym.
"Yeah. I have a doctors appointment after school." , I replied.
"Changing my anxiety meds. They were why I passed out last night."
"Oh sweetie."
"Yeah. But it could've been just a fluke. I don't know." , I said, shrugging.
*at the doctors*
I was told it could've been a fluke.
"Okay, I'll keep trying the medication for now, if it happens again, I'm changing the medication." , I said.

*Winter Formal*
(Y/N)'s POV
"Azzy you look handsome." , I said, taking his paw in my hand.
"Aw thanks, Sweetie." , Asriel said, blushing a bit, "You look beautiful yourself."
"Thank you!"
Asgore dropped us off because my step dad doesn't approve of our relationship. So I went over to there to get ready.
"Whats up? You've been quite sense we got inside?" , Asriel said.
"Taking in my surroundings. I never been to a school dance before." , I said.
"Nope, never."
"That's sad, I'll try to my best to make this the best school dance for you."
I blushed slightly.
"You look adorable when you do that." , Asriel said.
"Do what? Blush?" , I asked.

(Asriel POV)
The first slow dance came on a while later.
I wrapped my arms around her waist and she put her hands on my shoulders.
"You look beautiful." , I said.
"And you look handsome." , (Y/N) said, a smile forming on her face.
After that,  Kiki decided to cause some drama.
"I heard from Abby that (Y/N) hasn't figured out her anxiety yet." , Kiki said.
"Excuse me?" , (Y/N) asked.
"It's probably Kiki spreading rumors. Abby wouldn't do that to you." , I said, reassuring her.
"You're right." (Y/N) felt more reassured.
"No I have the texts from Abby herself if you guys want to see." , Kiki said pulling out her phone.
"W-what?" , I asked, clearly stunned.
"This can't be true." , (Y/N) squeezed my paw tightly, that was our new signal for 'I'm getting anxious'.
"Stop spreading rumors Kiki." , I said.
"I'm being serious." , Kiki said, showing both of us the texts.
"That's something Abby wouldn't say." , (Y/N) said.
"Exactly!" , I said, "you're trying to cause us more drama and stress."
Both of us decided to walk away at that point.

(Y/N)'s POV — towards the end of the winter formal

It was the last slow dance and our faces were extremely close to each other.
Then Asriel cupped my cheek lifting my face up, kissing my lips in the process. Surprised, I kissed back.
Both of us were a blushing mess after that.

(A/N)— I'm thinking about ending the book here? Or maybe I should do another chapter or two.

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