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(Y/N)'s POV — Thursday week 2
*Chemistry Class*

I was feeling off. I knew I wasn't feeling OK.
"Tomorrow we'll be having a test on this unit." , The Chemistry Teacher said.
Great. And I'm failing Chemistry. Plus being out of school for two weeks didn't help me any.
I put my hand on my stomach. God it hurts.
I feel nauseous.
Like anxiety.
I don't know.
Asriel passed me a note that said: Are you OK?
I nodded no.
"Does anyone have any questions?" , The Chemistry Teacher asked.
"I—" , I started.
"Does anyone else have any questions?"
Asriel raised his hand.
"Do you offer tutoring?" , Asriel asked.
"I do. But you aren't failing my class." , The Chemistry Teacher replied.
"I was asking for (Y/N)!"
"Oh yeah, there's no way she's gonna pass!"
I gave the Chemistry Teacher a look. As I started shaking.
"I—I'm.." , I started.
"Be quite (Y/N)!" , The Chemistry Teacher said.

(Asriel POV)

(Y/N) was trying to speak up for herself but was unsuccessful.
I could tell she was getting extremely upset and possibly anxious.
"Deep breaths (Y/N)." , I whispered.
(Y/N) nodded and did as I said.
*English Class*
The teacher was telling us who was passing and who wasn't just in time for the unit test tomorrow.
"Wait a minute? How is (Y/N) passing?" , Abby asked, throwing a fit.
"She studies and does the work." , I replied.
"Well, she must be cheating!"
"I'm not!" , (Y/N) said, shakiness in her voice.
"Guys, please settle down." , The English Teacher said.
"I don't stand for this! (Y/N) can't—"
(Y/N) got up from her seat, grabbed her bag, and ran out of the room.
"(Y/N)! Get back in this classroom or you're getting a write up!" , The English Teacher shouted.
She didn't come back.
"You guys upset her." , I simply said, grabbing my bag and heading out the door.
"Let her be, Asriel. She'll be back."
I ignored the English Teacher and headed out the door.
"(Y/N)!" , I called out.
"(Y/N)?! I'm right here." , I said, putting a paw on her shoulder.
"Asriel? You should be in class." , (Y/N) said.
"You're more important."
"You're to kind to me."
"Well yeah, when you grab your stuff and run out of the classroom I get worried."
(Y/N) started sobbing, "I'm sorry I'm such a screw up."
"You're being to hard on yourself." , I said.
"Go back to class, Azzy. I don't want you to get written up because of me."
"Nope. Being there for you is more important."
"Don't say anything (Y/N). I'm taking you home." , I said.
We walked to the sign out office and signed out of school.
I drove (Y/N) back to her house.
Then I walked in with her.
"I'm worried about you, (Y/N). What happened back in school?" , I asked.
(Y/N) did something unexpected, she sobbed into my chest.
"I'm right here. I'm not going to leave." , I said.

(Y/N)'s POV

I can't believe I'm crying right now. I must be making Asriel feel so uncomfortable.
"I'm sorry." , I sniffled.
"What are you sorry for?" , Asriel asked.
"I'm making you uncomfortable."
"No you're not. Don't be so hard on yourself."
I started crying again.
"What's the matter? I promise I won't judge you."
Asriel hugged me, but I didn't pull away. I let him hug me.
"People aren't so welcoming towards me... Azzy.. they hate me..." , I sobbed.
"I don't hate you (Y/N). I never could. Besides it's there problem if they hate you!" , Asriel said.
"Everything was going just fine at my last school. Until one day, someone accused me of stealing the test answers. But I didn't. When the principal checked my bag, the test answers were there. I immediately got expelled without an second thought. *sobs* I only one person who didn't like me and that was Shay. I think she was the one who got me expelled. So in the end I ended out of school for 2 weeks until my Mom convinced the school to accept me."
"Wow... I'm so sorry."
I hugged Asriel back.
"You're the only friend I've made at school so far. I feel like everyone else has been... *sobbing harder* so unwelcoming. Especially the teachers, Abby, and her friends." , I sobbed.
"I know Abby's been giving you some trouble. But has she been that bad?" , Asriel asked.
"When I'm in chorus and you aren't in class with me. It's way worse."
Then thought, 'Does he not believe me? What's with the face he's making?'
"If you were having a problem, you should've said something."
"I didn't want to worry you or be a burden."
"You're not a burden (Y/N). Besides I worry about you because you're one of my best friends."
"Azzy? Why are you friends with me?" , I asked.
"That's easy, you're a sweet, kind, smart, and funny individual." , Asriel replied, ruffling my hair, trying to make me smile.
"Thank you."
"(Y/N), what has been happening in chorus?"
I let go of Asriel and went to my backpack. In there I got out, notes from Abby and her friends, and handed them to Asriel.

(Asriel POV) — y/n House

(Y/N) handed me some notes. I assume they're from Abby and her friends.
When I read them, I couldn't believe what I was reading!
"(Y/N), you don't belong here in this school!"
"You are worthless. No wonder why you got expelled."
"Go back to where you came from! It would the world many favors. No one cares about you."
The notes kept going on and on like that.
"(Y/N)... I... I'm so sorry this is happening to you.." , I said.
"I don't know what to do." , (Y/N) said, looking down, fumbling with her fingers.
"Hey, don't be nervous OK? I'm here for you."
"How can you tell I was nervous?"
"You're fumbling your fingers back and fourth. You do it when you're nervous."
(Y/N) laughed and said, "no one's ever noticed that before."
"I'm very observant." , I said.
(Y/N)'s Mom walked in the door and asked, "Asriel, (Y/N), is everything OK?"
I put a hand on (Y/N)'s shoulder and said, "I was calming your daughter down."
"Is that why you signed out last period?"
"Schools been horrible." , (Y/N) replied, "I have to talk to my Mom."
I nodded and left.
(Y/N): My Mom thinks I have anxiety. She made me a doctor appointment for tomorrow morning during 1st.
Me: Good luck at your appointment.
(Y/N): Heh thanks.
(Y/N): I'm going to sleep. Long day tomorrow.

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