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(Y/N)'s POV — 2 days later in gym class

It was Boys vs Girls for Basketball today. I wasn't thrilled, because the girls aren't letting me play. It felt... what's it called? Sad. Unwelcoming.
I didn't get to play at all, so afterward, in the girls locker room, "(Y/N), why didn't you play?"
You gotta be kidding me with this?
I put my head down and didn't say anything.
"(Y/N), you were being lazy." , said another girl, "You didn't help us out at all! No wonder you're not good at sports."
I walked out of the girls locker room, almost in tears.
Asriel noticed this and asked, "Whats the matter?"
"Nothing." , I replied.
I fumbled with my clothing thinking about what those two girls said to me.

(Asriel POV)
Something was wrong but I didn't push it any further because I didn't wanna upset her.
*Chemistry Class*
We were doing Labs today. The teacher picked out partners. I was hoping to be with (Y/N) so I could help her out but that wasn't the case.
I ended up with Ken and Penny. (Random Names I came up with)
Every couple minutes I would glance over to see how (Y/N) was doing, she seemed upset.
"We're going on ahead. You're still on the first page!" , Abby said.
"B-but." , (Y/N) said, fighting back tears.
"Don't b-but me. You shouldn't have taken this class. It's to hard for dummies like you."
"Asriel, dude. Get back to work." , Ken said.
"Sorry." , I said.
I worked on the lab until the end of class.
I went to turn in the lab when I heard the teacher lecturing (Y/N).
"This lab is incomplete. Did you spend the entire period doing nothing?" , The Chemistry Teacher asked.
I noticed (Y/N) shaking. She was upset.

(Y/N)'s POV —Chemistry Class

I was starting to shake. I was upset. To afraid to speak.
"You're upsetting her." , Asriel said from behind me.
"The lab is incomplete. How can she even pass the class?" , The Chemistry Teacher asked.
"Have you looked up Autism? She might need EXTRA time to do the assignment and reliable partners that don't give her a hard time."
Thank you, Asriel.
"Is that why (Y/N) can't speak up for herself?"
"Don't upset her even more." Asriel was begging The Chemistry Teacher to stop.
"If I give one student extra time on the lab, that means I have to give everyone extra time."
That's not necessarily true.
The bell rang and I had to stay after class.
The result: A zero on the lab.

Me: Thanks for defending me in Chemistry. It didn't do any good though. I got a zero for the lab assignment.
Asriel: I'm sorry. I tried telling the teacher.
Me: Looks like you know more about Autism then the teacher! I'm impressed.
Me: I'm glad you're learning about Autism as an effort to get to know me better.
Asriel: It's no big deal. Anything for a friend.
Me: *smiles* You're the only friend I've made at this school so far.
Asriel: My Mom and Dad want to meet you!
Me: So does my Mom.
Me: Dad isn't in the picture.
Asriel: OK! :)

(Asriel POV)
"Asriel! Dinner!" , Toriel said.
"I'm coming!" , I said, putting my phone in my pocket.
"So what did (Y/N) say about meeting us?"
"Turns out her mom wants to meet me as well."
"Excellent! It's been a while sense I've seen (Y/N)." , Toriel said.
"Mom, what do you mean by that?" , I asked, a bit curious.
"I used to have (Y/N) as a student at school. Until events happened and she got transferred."
"I had no idea."
"I'm glad you two are friends! She deserves someone kind like you to be her friend!"
"What did I miss?" , Asgore asked.
"It's so like you to be late for dinner." , Toriel replied.
Yes, Toriel and Asgore live in the same house but they're just friends.
Then we ate the rest of dinner in silence.
Me: (Y/N), did you have Miss Dreemurr as a teacher at your last school?
(Y/N): Yes why?
Me: She's my Mom. Asked about you today.
(Y/N): Thanks for preparing me ahead of time! Now I won't be as shy to meet both your parents. Considering I've meet your mom before.
Me: It's no problem.
Me: So when would you like to meet them?
(Y/N): I'll have to ask my Mom. Hang on!
*10minutes later*
(Y/N): Does tomorrow work?
Me: Yes!
(Y/N): Awesome.

(Y/N)'s POV
"Mom! Guess who Asriel's Mom is?" , I asked.
"I don't know. Who?" , Mom replied.
"The reading teacher I had at my old school before... you know..."
"It's great you get to see Miss Dreemurr again!"
"Yeah. I guess."
I sat in the Living Room and turned on TV.
But I kept thinking in the back of my mind, 'Why is Asriel being so kind to me?'
"Don't overthink it to much." , Mom said.
"Easier said then done." , I said.
*in bed*
Ugh, I can't get to sleep! Stop overthinking (Y/N), you'll be fine.

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