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(Y/N)'s POV — Monday week 3

*Gym Class*
"Watch your back (Y/N)!" , Abby sneered at me.
"I'm not afraid of your threats Abby." , I said, putting my gym shorts on.
"You better be afraid."
"What's that supposed to mean?"
"You don't want anything else to happen to Asriel so you?"
I gritted my teeth in anger and walked out of the locker room before I got marked tarty.
We played basketball again.
After that, back in the Locker room, "Avoid Asriel and nothing will happen to him."
"..." , I said, getting angry.
"I mean it."
I was close to crying. I didn't want to avoid Asriel, but knowing what Abby could do, I had no choice.
"Howdy, (Y/N)!" , Asriel said to me as I walked out to the hallway.
I ran past him in tears.
I'm so sorry, Asriel.
I'm doing this to protect you!

(Asriel POV)
"(Y/N)? Did I upset you in any way?" , I asked her.
She didn't look at me or anything.
What is going on?
She moved to a different seat.
So I sat by the study hall teacher, "Do you what's going on with (Y/N)?"
"Yes, but I promised I wouldn't say anything." , The Study hall Teacher replied.
"Okay I understand."
"She's not angry with you, Asriel. I can say that much."
"Then whys she avoiding me?"
"I can't say."
I walked away in frustration.
Then it clicked. Abby must have said something to her.
Or (Y/N)'s having a bad day and doesn't want to take it out on me?
Who knows?
Good thing it's the week before Christmas break. Maybe then the drama will cool down.
*later, home*
Me: Are you OK? Buddy?
-(Y/N) has read your message-
Me: Has something happened? Did someone upset you? Please say something.
-(Y/N) has read your message-
I decided not to text her again until the next day.

(Y/N)'s POV — Tuesday
Asriel: Do you not like me anymore?
I wanted to tell him how much I liked him and how I felt. But stupid, Abby is keeping an eye on my every move!
"*sob* *sob*" , I sobbed.
Asriel: It's OK if you don't. You could've just said so. I've been nothing but welcoming to you.
"I can't do this anymore!" , I sobbed.

Asriel POV — Tuesday
I saw (Y/N) in the library crying.
I was about to approach her when one of Abby's friends grabbed me, "You used to be Abby's best friend! Now you're (Y/N)'s best friend!"
"I stopped being friends with Abby because she became a bully." , I said.
"Well Abby wants to be your friend again."
"I don't want to be hers. Considering what she did to me on Friday."
(Y/N) looked up and glared at Abby's friend.
"Avoid (Y/N) if you want nothing to happen to her." , Abby's friend said.
"I'm not afraid of your threats." , I said.
"She is afraid of Abby's threat. Apparently she wants nothing to happen to poor, sweet, innocent Asriel if she's avoiding you."
So that's why she's avoiding me?

Asriel POV — Wednesday
"Mom! I need your advice! It's about (Y/N)!" , I called out.
Toriel came rushing down the stairs.
"What is it, Asriel?" , Toriel asked.
"All week, (Y/N) has been avoiding me because Abby threatened her that something would happen to me if she didn't." , I replied.
"She's looking out for you, Asriel. She must think highly of you if..."
"I know. But I miss talking to her."
(Meanwhile with y/n)
My mom introduced me to her new boyfriend. Guess who was brought along?
Abby. The devil. (That was the nicer word for it)
"You!" , Abby said.
"You." , I said, glaring at her.
"This is awkward." , Mom said.
"Yeah..." , I said, sitting down at the table.
Abby and I glared at each other throughout dinner, what a great way to spend the evening.
"Why can't you girls get along?" , Mom asked.
"She's a bully." , We both said at the same time.
"You girls need to work out your differences because soon you're gonna be step sisters!"
"STEP SISTERS?!" , I asked
"How long has this been going on Dad?" , Abby asked.
"Like over a year now." , Abby's Dad replied.
"You guys never bothered to tell us? Pathetic. Come on (Y/N), we should work out our differences now."
Abby and I walked into the living room.
We sat down on the couch.
"Why do you hate me, Abby?" , I asked, "It wasn't my idea to transfer to the same school as Asriel."
"I don't necessarily hate you. I was more jealous of you. Asriel and I were really good friends before you transferred. And it ended because of how I treated you. I didn't understand how to approach you. I'm sorry." , Abby said.
"Then why threaten us? Why is your friends against us?"
"I thought if I kept you guys apart, I could be friends with Asriel again. I was wrong. And my friends hated you from the start, it has nothing to do with me. I didn't do anything."
"*sighs* I could talk to Asriel if you wanted me too." , I said.
"No, I should apologize to him myself." , Abby said, "and to you, I'm sorry."
"I forgive you. I guess."
"I had no idea my dad had a girlfriend!"
"I didn't know my mom had a boyfriend!"

(Abby POV) — Wasn't expecting that huh?

So (y/n) is going to be my step sister soon.
Later after my dad and I arrived back home, I texted my friends, Lola and Kiki.
Me: You guys have to stop being mean to (Y/N). It's unnecessary! We're gonna be family soon and she's forgiven me.
Lola immediately called me, "what's up with that text? Tell me you're joking."
"I'm not joking. Stop being mean to her." , I said.
"You're not the boss of us, Abby!"
Lola hung up.
What has happened to me?
Then I decided to text, Asriel.
Me: Hey, Asriel. I apologized to (Y/N). I told her she could talk to you again. Plus I told my friends to stop being mean to you guys. If they case you two any problems let me know.
Asriel: What brought this on?
Me: My Dad is dating her Mom. Like over a year! Both of us didn't know.
Asriel: Oh joy, (Y/N) must be mad at her Mom.
Me: I'd imagine so.

Asriel POV — Wednesday Night

I waited to see if (Y/N) would text me or not.
Ended up falling asleep.
*the next morning* *gym class*
(Y/N) and Abby were chatting about something.
One of Abby's friends approached me, Lola. "Truly pathetic. You're pathetic." , Lola said, almost slapping me, but (Y/N) stepped in front of me and took it.
"(Y/N)?!" , I asked.
"I'm OK, Azzy. No one's allowed to hurt you." , (Y/N) said.
Then the gym teacher blew the whistle and put us into teams.
Ugh. I'm not the athletic type.
The ball got tossed my way in middle of the game, but I didn't catch it in time.
It hit me in the head.
After gym, (Y/N) asked, "Are you feeling OK? The ball hit your head hard."
"I'm fine." , I replied.
"Asriel. You're lying to me. You're not fine."
Okay, I was lying to her. I didn't want her to worry.
"I'm taking you to the nurse." , (Y/N) said, grabbing my wrist.
"(Y/N)..." , I said, slightly blushing.
"Don't be embarrassed. A gym class injury is nothing to be ashamed of."

(Y/N)'s POV

"He definitely has a concussion." , the nurse said.
"*Asriel groans* Great." , Asriel said.
I petted in between his horns. Seeing the slight blush on his face was slightly adorable.
"Can you stay in school or do you want to go home?" , the nurse asked.
"I think I can stay in school." , Asriel replied.
"Why does my head hurt so much?" , Asriel asked.
"It's cause of the concussion." , I replied, petting his head.
"(Y/N). Asriel. Is there something you would like to share with the class?" , The chemistry teacher asked.
"No." , we both said, I was slightly blushing, looking away from Asriel.

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