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Asriel POV — Chemistry Class

(Y/N) just walked in.
"Do you have a pass Miss (L/N)?" , The Chemistry Teacher asked.
(Y/N) nodded and then took her seat next to me.
"You're awfully late.. is everything ok?" , I whispered.
(Y/N): I'm alright. I'll tell you later what happened at the docs.
Then we got started on our unit test.
The bell rang and (Y/N) still wasn't done.

(Y/N)'s POV

"Miss (Y/N)! Turn in that test!" , The Chemistry Teacher shouted.
"I... I'm not f-f-finished yet." , I said, almost in tears.
"You don't get extra time."
My Mom told me that I needed to speak up for myself. So that's what I'm going to do.
"Actually I do. It's in my IEP." , I said.
"I haven't read your IEP yet." , The Chemistry Teacher said.
"Well read it! It says in there I get extra time for tests and class assignments."
"I'll read it when I get a minute. I didn't know autistic people like you could get so demanding and needy."
"I'm not demanding or needy. The way you've been treating me has been wrong."
"I don't know how to help 'people' like you. You're being annoying."
I was fuming when the Chemistry Teacher said that.
"People like me?!" , I snapped, "What's that supposed to mean?!"
"Your brain wouldn't understand." , The Chemistry Teacher said.
Oh no he didn't.
I fought back tears and walked out of the classroom. I didn't even let him write me a pass.
*Lunch, the cafe*
I had to eat lunch in the cafeteria sense the Liberian wasn't here today.
The overwhelming thing about that was the loud noise.
I put in my earbuds and ate in the corner of the cafeteria.
Text from (b/f) (best friend)
(B/f): I know who got you expelled.
Me: Who?
(B/f): Shay. I heard her whisper about it in class earlier today.
Me: That's messed up.
(B/f): I agree.
Me: I figured it was her.
(B/f): :(
Then I looked up from my phone and saw Asriel falling to the floor.
"Asriel!" , I called out to him.
I ran up to him and he was unconscious.
"How the hell did this happened?" , I shouted at Abby who was just standing there.
"I don't know, all the sudden he passed out." , Abby replied.
"So you LET him fall to the floor?! Azzy, you'll be OK."
I called 911 myself, even though I never did it before, and stayed by Asriel's side.
"You'll be OK." , I said.
The ambulance got here 5 minutes later and took him.
I cried. I didn't want to leave.

(Y/N)'s POV — later

I left school and immediately went to the hospital. Hoping to see Asriel, awake!
The nurse said, "He's still unconscious. You can see him though if you would like."
I went to Asriel's hopstial room and sat in the chair next to his bed.
"Hey Azzy. I'm the one who called 911. I hope you wake up soon. Gosh, you would be proud of me. I stood up for myself today." , I said.
I laughed and found myself blushing.
"It feels like I wouldn't have been able to without you. You've become an important person in my life. Thank you for that."
I held Asriel's paw and said, "Thanks for being my friend. I don't know what I would do without you." , I started crying, "You mean a lot to me."
I stayed like this for 30minutes until the nurse had to check in on him.
"Are you his girlfriend?" , The nurse asked.
"Oh no no. I'm his friend." , I replied.
The nurse chuckled and left the room.
Then my mom texted me wanting me home for dinner so I left.
"(Y/N)? Is Asriel ok?" , my Mom asked once I got home.
"He's in the hospital. He passed out at lunch and hasn't woken up yet." , I said, almost crying.
"I'm sorry. I think he's going to be OK."
"I hope so." I started crying.
"Come here." Mom hugged me, tightly, "You like him a lot don't you?"
"What? I like him as a friend. Nothing more." , I replied, sniffling.
"(Y/N)... It's obvious you care about him a lot."
"I do. Just as a friend though."
There's no way. I can like him. I have no right to like him.
"You can be honest. Do you like him?"
"I do. But Mom, I have no right to like him! Not like that."
"Why do you say that?" , Mom asked.
"Because I'm shy, weak, and can hardly speak up for myself. I know I'm working on it but still. Plus I think so badly about myself. I would screw up anyway.." , I said, sobbing.
"Don't say such things about yourself. If he's the right guy for you, he'll like you the way you are."
"Thanks Mom."
"Your welcome."
I walked upstairs and watched tv.

(Y/N)'s POV
The next morning, I went to the hospital and visited Asriel.
"He was just awake. Now he's sleeping." , the nurse said.
"Oh okay. I'll just go home." , I replied.

(Asriel POV)
A while later my hospital nurse came in and said, "You missed a visitor a while ago. This girl must really care about you."
"Oh? You mean (Y/N)? Yeah." , I said, "when can I go home?"
"Once the doctor gets the discharge paperwork altogether."
I sighed as the nurse walked away.
Me: I'm sorry I missed your visit (Y/N).
(Y/N): I see you're awake now? :)
Me: Yes.
(Y/N): I was worried about you, Azzy! When'd you wake up yesterday?
Me: Around 6pm.
(Y/N): Oh. My Mom and I were already eating dinner by then. Sorry :(
Me: It's alright.
(Y/N): How'd you pass out anyway?
Should I tell her the truth? How Abby hit me on the head then I fell to the floor? Or should I tell a white lie saying I don't know?
I must've taken to long to respond because (Y/N) texted again.
(Y/N): Azzy?
I didn't know what to say.
(Y/N): Asriel. Tell me. How did this happen? Hmm?
Me: I don't know.
(Y/N): OK. If you say so.
I'm glad she believed my white lie. I didn't want her and Abby to get into a fight.
An hour later, Toriel came to pick me up.
"Are you alright?" , Toriel asked.
"Yes, all I have is an concussion." , I replied, "It's not the end of the world."
We drove back home.
I wonder what awaits me at school on Monday.

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