Chapter 1 - Beginning

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Let me tell You a story, A story about a Queen that wernt born from greatness nor the warmth of a loving family.

A Queen that lost friends and people She considered family. A Queen that fought along side her soulmate and Co-Ruler of their great nation.

The name of this Queen is Arendea. And this is the story of how She became Queen and the things that changed her world for the worste and the good.


Arendea woke up before everyone else in the manor She served at. The family She serves saved her from being torn apart by the beasts in the northern forest.

She still remembers her current masters comforting her as She cried and thanked them. From that day forth She dedicated her life to repay the people that saved her life.

She smiled at the memory and got to work on cleaning the floors and dusted the shelfs. She greeted the other servants with a smile on her face as She did her chores.

And even helped out with their chores when She took notice of them struggling.

When She went to fetch water from the well and were greeted by her masters's Daughter.

Deremira – Hello, Arendea woke up early again I see?

Arendea gave Deremira a smile and said with a smile. " Good morning, My Lady did You sleep well?"

Deremira looked at her and said with an annoyed look on her face. "Aren, We talked about this a thousand times. You don't have to call me my Lady,

You're free to call me by my name." Arendea gave Deremira a sheepish smile and said to her. "I know and I'm sorry..."

Deremira let out a small sigh and said to her. "You don't have to apologize for it either, I would never be mad at my best friend."

Arendea gave her a smile and said as She tucked one of her red strands of hair behind her ear.

"And I'm lucky to have a woman such as You as a friend, Now what is it that You wanted to tell me?"

Deremira gave her a smile and took out an envelope and said. "Guess what came in the mail today."

Arendea carefully took the envelope from Deremira's hand and saw the royal crest on it. She opend it up and read what was written on the gold and siver paper with a surprised look on her face.

She looked back up at her friend who was still smiling and said. "You got an invitation to the ball? Deremira, I'm happy for You."

Deremira looked at her and said with a smile on her face. "I know right, I cant believe I'm going to the Celestial Ball."

Arendea looked at Deremira and said with a smile. "I'm sure You're going to have a good time at the ball..."

Deremira looked at her for a few seconds before averting her eyes away from her. Arendea had a concearned look on her face and said.

"Mira, What's wrong?" Deremira looked at Arendea and said with a unsure look on her face. "I always dreamt about being invited to the ball and I have always wonderd if I get that chance or not.

And if I got that chance, I have always thought about asking if... You wanted to come with me to the ball?"

Arendea had a surprised look on her face and said to her. "You want me to come with You? What about Eria?" Deremira nooded her head and said with a insecure look in her eyes.

"I know it sounds strange for You, and Eria cant go because Mother and Father wants her to attend a dinner with her Fiancé.

And I want to go to the Celestial Ball with my best friend..."

She then lets out a small sigh and said with a sad look in her eyes. " I understand if You don't want to come with me..." Arendea interrupted her and said with a warm smile on her face.

"Of course I want to come with You, So I can keep my best friend company." Deremira looked happy to hear that her best friend since childhood wants to come with her and said as She hugged her.

"Thank You! I cant wait for us to go to the ball!" She let go of Arendea and said with a thoughtful look on her face.

"We have to find something for us to wear for the ball... And some..." Arendea giggled and looked at Deremira and said with a smile on her face.

"Calm down, Mira, We have enough time to look for something for us to wear to the ball."

Deremira looked at Arendea with a small smile on her face and said. "You're right, I worry too much..."

Arendea smiled back at her and said. "You really should relax and like I said, we have enough time to look for a dress for the ball.

Well, I should get back to my chores, Talk to You later, Mira." Deremira gave Arendea a smile and let her continue with her chores.

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