Me: I see which was your first SVT book?

Nyu: *smiles* if I remember correctly it was my story called "My Boyfriend is a little" Seoksoo Au.

Me: Ohhh I see... nevermind to say I have read all your SVT books *smiles* and each one it was incredible.

Nyu: Ah thank you thank you.. sometimes  cringe one some of them *smiles*

Me: Hehe you don't have to think about that.. ideas of writing different concepts how do you do that?

Nyu: Ah-doing different concepts comes through when I become very bored and want to do something very different.

Me: Okay.. *smiles* was writing your hobby or do you do it just for fun..

Nyu: It use to be only for fun but now it's my hobby.

Me: Hmmm how do write a book if may I ask like you planned the whole story or it just goes with the flow?

Nyu: I usually plan the plots but then make like a lot of plot twists so basically it goes with the flow.

Me: *nods* I have seen many of your books are of SVT and Chaotic Mess is my all time fav I can't stop laughing in some specific parts *laughs* How do you cope up with story updates?

Nyu: *smiles* I don't really cope with updates very well so I'll just randomly update at whenever I get the chance and motivation.

Me: Mmm one thing I would like to ask is that does it requires some viewers attention to continue writing or you just write without any others perspective

Nyu: For me it doesn't really.. although I do ask which stories I should update...but then I just write and publish.

Me: Hmm does you sometimes get writers block too?

Nyu: Yep.. most definitely.

Me: Hmmm from your books which one do you thing was your best one among them

Nyu: Uhmmm I enjoy writing all of them.. can't really pick *lol*

Me: Hehe I get it any completed books you think that you can improve more?

Nyu: More vocabulary..kinda.. but then since english isn't my first language it's a struggle you know Imfao wait I read that wrong..  lemme re-answer that for any completed book.. nope not really..

Me: Mmm I get it so some questions from the audience. Is there any specific book you want to recommend to everyone among your books?

Nyu: Hmm well...I can't really recommend one but if i had to chose probably Darl+ing or To You

Me: Next question does you sometimes get confused what to do next with your book when you give updates?

Nyu: Mostly- yeah...usually I only get confused when i forget the plot or if the chapter even went along with the plot.

Me: Hmm next one. Do you get inspired from other things to write books, example songs movies etc etc..

Nyu: Sometimes yeah- though other times I get inspired when I get the idea off my head.

Me: Okay last one. Any favorite writer you got here in wattpad and also a similar question any favorite book?

Nyu: My favorite author is shanihaeand their book called "Arranged Deal" Jeongcheol..

Me: Mm I have read that book. That's all from there audience. I would like to ask you that do you sometimes learn from your own books like experiences?

Nyu: Yeah, sometimes I learn the things I write down because I want others to know

Me: *nods* from my personal questions *smiles* Ultimate bias in as Army and Carat?

Nyu: *smiles* Jin and Dino usually I'm OT7 and Ot13 but those two are my choices if I
had to pick..

Me: Same same OT7 and OT13 sis.. I can't chose only...

Nyu: *laughs*

Me: I really enjoyed talking with you. As we have come to the end of my show. Would you like to say something to your followers and also to the audience?

Nyu: To my followers thank you for following me even though I suck at updating and the audience thank you for having me and to the both thanks if you read my stories it means a lot to me..

Me: Your welcome.. hope to see you again! Stan BTS, Stan Seventeen, Stan the whole K Industry, Stan Clear glass face.. I will surely let you know when I will publish. Thank you once again for coming here.

Nyu: *smiles* Thank you for having me.

Me: *turning to the audience* Thank you everyone for watching this show! Keep watching Takity Talk Show! See you again!! Bubbye!!


Thank you.  Ihop_ipop For coming to my show!! Hope to see you again soon!!!

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