Chapter Three: Beyond Limits of Memory

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Accompanying Epson through the maze of rooms and hallways proved to be a challenge in Aria's weakened state. She hobbled along, trying to keep up with her silent companion's long strides. The iridescent panels covering the walls changed colours as light fell on them, but other than that, there wasn't much else of note. Each hallway was barred by metallic doors that required Epson's fingerprints to open. This was a high security facility, and not just anyone could walk in here. How in the heck did she stumble into a cryogenic chamber in her own time? Was security really so poor back then? Or did someone put her there? These questions kept nagging at her, and her intuition told her that some criminal intent must have been behind the whole ordeal. But what could she do now? She couldn't go back in time, her only option was to move forward. And what about this whole business of her being brought back to life to work for the modern-day police? It seemed preposterous to her. Something was definitely off here, and she'd have to be very careful.

After what seemed to be an hour of wandering through the building, they reached a series of turnstiles that led outside. The cool breeze struck Aria's face as the red hues of the night sky precipitated and reflected off of the towering skyscrapers of Old New York. It must be late spring now, but it was hard to tell since there were no plants in sight, just asphalt and oddly shaped architecture. These dark edifices seemed taller and more imposing than the structures of her time. They were made of tar-like material, as though oozing with viscous black liquid. They reached into the clouds and branched out like trees, caressing the sky with their tendrils.

The city was a marvel of technology, with holographic advertisements flashing and flickering around her. It was hard to believe that just a few centuries ago, this world had almost been destroyed. And what were these glass pods in the air? Were these airships? Aria remembered reading about these sorts of machines in books and seeing renditions in science fiction movies. Seeing them in person took her breath away. There were people here too. They walked along the bustling streets of the city, but they were different in many ways from the humans she remembered. Some had purple skin. Others were covered with green shimmering scales. Some had horns and hooves. And everyone wore armor.

"The upload you have received may not have covered this in detail," Epson chimed, as though on cue. "But approximately four hundred years ago, earth became a hub for alien activity. A series of intergalactic clashes and two space wars ensued. Eventually, a peace treaty was struck, allowing Earth to maintain its autonomy, but in return, various alien races were permitted to migrate to Earth and make this planet their home. It wasn't until later that it was discovered that some of these species were sexually compatible with humans. Due to human population collapse and reduced fertility rates, the alien-human hybrid species became the dominant demographic inhabiting Earth, currently comprising over sixty-five percent of the population."

"What about the other thirty-five percent?" Aria wondered out loud.

"Thirty percent of the population remain purely human, while the other five percent consist of several alien species." 

Aria wanted to ask Epson which category he belonged to but decided against it. She suspected that the question could be perceived as rude coming from a stranger. After all, he was the only person she knew here, so it made sense to avoid any ill feelings so early in their acquaintance. She also didn't quite trust him yet. The circumstances of her time travel were still uncertain, and she couldn't help but feel suspicious of her robotic companion.

"Why is everyone wearing armor? Is it dangerous in the city?" she asked, deciding to turn to a safer topic.

"The city is a fortress, consisting of an intricate defense system created to protect Earth from aerial and ground invasions. The many conflicts of the past rendered armor a necessity, but in recent years, it became a fashion statement."

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