Chapter 19: Kugelblitz

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Priscina, Wäldereich occupied Paganda


Beneath the cloudless and starry skies, the sound of roaring jet engines broke the quiet evening. Dozens of Sjb-111s taxiing the captured airport that the Wäldereich had already modified to accommodate larger and heavier aircraft. Packed with laser-guided bombs mounted on seven external hardpoints alongside two drop tanks and two 900 Kg inside the weapon bay, they were tasked with deep interdiction missions behind enemy lines to disrupt the Leifordian effort to reinforce the capital. The first Sjb-111 began to take off, followed by others to start their bombing campaign against Leiford.

The Schnell Jagdbomber-111 originated from Damorals to create a nuclear-capable and conventional interdiction fighter named FB-111 from the Rapid Attack Bomber Program. However, the Damorals air force didn't like its performance and began to phase it out after serving for 3 decades. Thanks to the Gray Ribbon lobbying the Damoral, the Wäldereich Luftwaffe received hundreds of these and renamed them into Sjb-111 alongside the license to build these. This also circumvents the restriction of the treaty since these aircraft were under the terms of the fighter jet instead of the bomber. Its variable-swept wing similar to Ekj-79 allowed it to shorten the take-off distance and the larger size for low-flying missions. Able to carry up to 14,000 Kg over 1,500 Km, this aircraft was a perfect choice for the Wäldereich.

Several kilometers east of the Pagandan shores, a lone fishing trawler sailed to fish around the strait between Paganda and Leiford. Due to restrictions imposed by the Wäldereich, fishing activity was only allowed at 50 Km east of Paganda where the rest was allowed as far as the fishing trawlers can sail. The net was lowered prior and the trawler began to sweep the area slowly. A lone elderly stood on the deck, staring at the skies above. His 27 years of experience have kept him enjoying his life since he graduated from mid-school and followed in his father's footsteps.

Besides his niece who was inside the trawler, there was nothing but the sound of breezing wind and crashing waves that accompanied him.

"The sky is calm as usual"

Suddenly, he saw several strange lights followed by zooming noises above. His niece rushed outside after hearing the unknown sound.

"Uncle, what was that?"

"A western storm that changes the world"

As more strange lights flew overhead like a meteor shower, Seemingly racing toward the east where Leiford was located. The boy slowly approached his uncle under the roaring sound of Sjb-111s with a question on his mind.

"Does that mean this storm would doom us all, uncle?"

The old man stared at his niece, "I don't know"

The trawler continued to sweep the ocean below, hoping to catch as many as the trawler could. Aside from the Wälderian death squads that routinely sought the dissident and the curvey enacted by the occupation forces, the local populations seemingly acted docile as they were fearful of the Wäldereich to avoid their wrath. Though some protests were rallied against the invader, there were no extreme actions that the Wäldereich used against them.

Eastern Battlefleet, Leifordian Strait

The fleet of Wälderian Marine proudly floated above the rocking waves. They dispatched several cruiser-destroyer squadrons to maximize the destruction across the Leiford's shore for cruise missile bombardment, leaving two nuclear cruisers and a battleship protecting the carriers. They were confident as they never met any resistance since they destroyed a large portion of the Leifordian Navy, leaving some warships idling in their port.

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