Chapter 6: Friction on the East

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Aurora Airbase, Tsushima Island, Japan

Aurora Airbase was a military installation operated by USFJ and JASDF. Historically built as a response against North Korea's attempt to annex South Korea in 1950. However, America failed to rally the support in the UN, forcing them to leave South Korea alone, this prompted the US to increase the strength of USFJ presence in Japan and aggressively support JSDF against the rise of the red dragon.

After being hit by a small storm, the base is returning to its usual activity, some aircraft taxiing before taking off to start patrol duty. Meanwhile, in the cafeteria, the situation is rowdy as usual, a pilot named Leutnant Gary Volke sips his coffee as he focused on the television installed in the cafeteria

"... Also, regarding the mutual defense agreement with the Quila-Toyne Federation two weeks ago, did you realize that Japan isn't America?" said one of the Diet members

Rikuto expressionlessly answered the question "Yes, I am aware. However, is there any option to secure our food supply? Ever since we're transported into this new world, we've relied upon the unregistered, and unknown cargo ships that carry the food supply, enough to help us survive for a few months. But, we can't just rely on that"

"But prime minister Rikuto, we're bound into the constitution that forbids us to deploy our self-defense forces overseas"

"Then, what should we do? Send USFJ to deal with that. We should already know that USFJ is an independent force that is tasked to help our defense against possible invasion of both PRC and Siberian Soviet, and we don't have the authority to command them around"

The debate between the prime minister and his coalition against their opposition became hot. Suddenly, Volke heard someone put a food tray in the front of him, his WSO, Preston Bradshaw

"Hey Volk, how ya doing" asked Brad to his friend

"Watching those governments fighting on the TV, shit is more amusing than being forced to accept something that straight from 1632, buddy"

Hearing Volke's statement, Brad chuckled, "Yeah, but the truth is the disappearance of the Korean peninsula on our radar, I guess it isn't far-fetched". Brad put a spoonful of porridge in his mouth before continuing his sentence, "Also, even Japan can pull out this trick, what's the benefit of that besides collapsing their economy"

Volke put his empty cup on the table, "Welp, looks like you're right, Prez"

Same day

Jin-Hark, Lourian Imperium

The capital city of Lourian is located near the coast, due to the location, the city is bustling with trade with the Alderia and other countries from the Philades continent. The two destroyers JS Yukikaze and JS Ayanami anchored 2 nautical miles from the shore after escorting the Japanese diplomats who tried to establish diplomacy toward Lourian for the third time.

Inside the administrative building near the dock, Kenshiro Taiji accompanied by two personnel of JMSDF negotiating with the head of Lourian foreign administration, Lombark Birkind with his bodyguards

"I am really sorry Mr. Birkind, but our government is refused to cut the diplomatic ties with Quila-Toyne Federation, they're selling something that vital and exotic goods that are needed for our country"

Lombark crossed his arms, his face reddened as he was holding his anger. Usually, he can shoo them away, but on the second visit, they're coming with a much bigger ship than before, forcing him to enter the negotiation table.

"That's unfortunate then since your country is backing up Quila-Toyne, our king send this declaration of war to your country" said Lombark as he pushed the parchment to Kenshiro

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