Chapter 16: The View

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Gründerstadt, Wäldereich Federation

The sound of a ticking clock reverberates through the room, seemingly ignored by three figures inside the room. Schmidt read the report provided by the current Ministry of Foreign Relations, Carole Emeline. His assistant, Beatrice stood beside him while Emeline sat in the chair in front of him. Occasionally, Emeline glanced at the clock that keep ticking without showing any sign of stopping, showing the time as 09:25.

With a puzzled look, he asked Emeline while he still looking at the report, "So, we received a contact from a satellite that isn't from ours?"

Emeline nodded and replied, "Correct sir. It seems that there's a country that advanced enough to launch their own satellite"

His expression changed from confusion to excitement as he learned about a country capable of doing such a feat. This means that the Wäldereich could trade without much trouble due to the technological gap that was much shorter than their new neighbors. Also, if their tech is above them, the Wäldereich could negotiate to get some of the advanced technologies this newly contacted country had.

Schmidt flipped the page of the report, slowly ingesting the information provided by the Ministry of Foreign Relations. "From the calendar that they provide to us, it seems that they are 26 years more advanced than us. It would be worth it if we could secure the relationship with Japan for the sake of our future"

"However, there's something that I want to show," said Emeline while she put a map from their satellite into the desk. In contrast to the map provided by Jazeran, the image captured from their satellite was much more colorful. She then pointed her finger at an image on the Japanese mainland, "This is Japan, located on the third civilization area on the far east, far away from our country. Even if we went to the west, it would take a long distance"

Schmidt lowered the report to see the map on his desk. He slightly raised his eyebrows as he saw the distance between Wäldereich and Japan. However, his excitement wasn't gone as he knew their nuclear-powered cargo ships would reach them, leaving only the need to resupply the food. Right now, He needs to sort out the domestic problem and end the war against Leiford as soon as possible.

His sight returned to the report in his hand, "Their populations are bigger than Takarajima, yet their land is much smaller, which makes sense since the population keeps growing," Schmidt flipped other pages of the report, now showing the short history of Japan. From ancient Japan, the shogunate and warring state period, the imperial restoration, Japan's involvement in two great wars, and so on. He noticed that Japan was the only country that tasted not once, but two nuclear bombs that were dropped on their cities in response to their invasion four years prior. A similar weapon that brought the Wäldereich into a war between two alliances of two superpowers and their beloved country.

Schmidt paused for a moment, something came from his mind. It has been taught in the school about the Allied-Wäldereich War that bring shame toward his beloved country due to the nuclear paranoia during the early age of nuclear. When two superpowers, the Unified States of Damoral and the United Republic of Svetlania secretly developed a weapon that could destroy a city. Meanwhile, the Wäldereich just had begun their nuclear project for their safer and cheaper nuclear reactor. The spark of the conflict was the two superpowers received intel about the Wäldereich weapon of mass destruction. Both Damoral and Svetlania agreed to investigate while Wäldereich refused to comply, claiming that they didn't have the WMD that both superpowers assumed. And thus, the war was declared. And within three months, the imminent invasion would come.

The allied forces crushed Wäldereich prided navy like a painting from the famous painter of Takarajima. Their landing forces crashed through Wälderian coasts like a tsunami, crushing the Wälderian fortification and pouring their troops like a coastal flood. For six years, the war raged on the Wäldereich mainland. Yet, some pocket resistance sponsored by several principalities continued to resist and sabotage the allied forces. In the closing war, both Damoral and Svetlania realized that the Wäldereich didn't develop any nuclear bombs. What they found was a sort of nuclear reactor that surpassed the contemporary design that both superpowers use.

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