Chapter 14: A Little Show

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Skies above Paganda

Up above the skies at the altitude of 24,000 feet (around 7315 meters), a lone transport aircraft flew above the channel. Carrying the Murin's observer to observe the war between Leiford and Wäldereich. The aircraft was a Viktor AC-2 Leman transport aircraft specifically designed for military transport. Inside, Myuriel looked through the window to see the channel that separates both Paganda on the west and Leiford on the east. She wondered about Wäldereich's capability to successfully took over an island in mere a day. So far, she only knew the Wäldereich non-military commodities flowing on the western civilization market, which was similar yet different compared to Murin's counterpart.

"Hey Kassan, do you think that our country can take over Paganda in a day?" asked Myuriel to her colleague, Kassan

However, her colleague didn't respond to her question. She turned his head to Kassan to check what he was doing. Myuriel was slightly surprised that Kassan was focused on the drawing book, and didn't listen to Myuriel's question since he was wearing a headphone. She then tapped Kassan's shoulder to ask some questions. He was surprised and took off his headphone.

"Ooh, Myuriel, sorry that I didn't hear you,"

Just as Myuriel wanted to ask the previous question, Kassan pointed his finger to the window as he looked at something, "Myuriel, look over there"

Myuriel then looked out the window. She was surprised when she saw something flying parallel with their plane. A Luj-15M SK flew near their plane, momentarily visible before leaving their plane behind.

"Did you see that Kassan? Give me your drawing if you've already done"

Kassan, who was a gifted drawing expert, began to draw the aircraft that previously passed by. The noise of the pencil scratching the drawing book created music as his hand danced with the pencil on his hand. A few minutes later, he was drawn to a Wälderian plane. He then passes over his drawing book to Myuriel to let her inspect the drawing.

"A pair of triangular main wings on the center, a pair of tail fins, a pair of smaller wings on the front of the main wing, a pair of tails on the top rear, some rockets attached on it, two kinds of drop tanks, a pentagonal roundel, and a pair of something similar to the jet engine on the back"

Myuriel paused for a moment, as she was speechless upon seeing the drawing of the Wäldereich aircraft, "Th... This is impossible for a country that is far away from the Leinian continent. We just tried and tested those jet engines and yet, these Wälderian already have an aircraft that is on par with Milishial"

Myuriel gave back the drawing book to Kassan, then she put her palm on her forehead, trying to process what she saw earlier. Although average Murin believes about the transferrence phenomenon, they didn't think that the entire country could be transported too. It was also worsening public opinion after a controversial novel based on that transferred countries falsely portrayed almost all the countries in the world. But still, the location of the countries that were transported strangely enough was similar to the novel. Myuriel was wary that if those countries were to act like in the novel, the war would be unavoidable. Suddenly, they heard an announcement that their plane was about to land. They began to fasten their seatbelt.

Several minutes later, the Murin's AC-2 began to touching down the runway of the former Paganda international airport. The look of the airport was drastically different, with widening effort from the Wälderians and repurposed hangars to store their aircraft. The aircraft at the airport were also different, dominated by military aircraft sporting unique camouflage patterns on their body. After the AC-2 opened its door, Murin observer began to disembark from their plane. Kassan began to look around while he drew any Wälderian aircraft he saw, where Myuriel was speechless upon seeing many similar yet strange contraptions in her eyes.

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