Chapter 3: The Sun From The East

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Above the Rodenius Continent

The sun just rising from the horizon a few hours ago, a lone P-3C Orion flying toward the continent located southwest of Japan, it's almost an hour of flight through the sea

Inside the cockpit, there's Patrol Plane Commander Inosuke Subaru, Co-Pilot Kisaragi Aina, and third Pilot Tarou Naoki. They're hailing from Ryukyu Island military bases and now entering the Rodenius airspace

"Nothing but a sea of green scenery, at least it's better than what happens in the Tokyo," said Subaru

"What's wrong, do you want to be isekai'ed," asked Aina to Subaru

"Did you forget that our country was isekai'ed, Aina?"

Both of them are chatting with each other and Naoki watching them quietly, suddenly they're receiving a transmission from a radar operator

<<Attention, we're detecting something on the radar, judging from the speed, it looks like some kind of helicopter>>

Later on, the P-3C passed through a wyvern rider. All of the crew on the plane were confused about what they saw

"Did you see that?, looks like we aren't on the earth anymore" said Tarou

Subaru commented "See, I told you all that we're being isekai'ed"

Then the communication interceptor officer broadcast what she finds

<<Be advised, we're intercepting an unknown transmission, looks like we're heading towards the city called Maihark and they're sending a Squadron to intercept us, proceed with caution>>

Aina asks "Should we return now?"

"Nah, they're not much of a threat, let's proceed" replied Subaru


The P-3C flying to the east toward the city called Maihark. Halfway through the sky, the radar officer was detecting 12 dots on the radar, he immediately broadcast it to the rest of the crew

<<12 Bogeys on the radar, 12 o'clock>>

<<affirmative, begin to climb>>

The P-3C began to climb to avoid the unknown interceptors, meanwhile on the wyverns interceptors from the 6th wyvern Squadron just recently arrived from their bases, they were supposed to intercept the unknown object that flying above their sky

"Where's that object?, aren't we supposed to meet it here?" said the Squadron leader

They began to spread out to widen the coverage area, suddenly they heard a strange buzzing noise like the previous patrol rider described, one of them pointed to the sky. A white-colored object flying above their position

"No, this can't be true, there's no one that reached that height"

"Captain, what should we do" ask one of his wingmen

"Contact HQ, we failed to intercept it, and try to chase it"

They begin to fly toward Maihark, hoping that they're able to intercept the unknown object again but to no avail, since the unknown object is flying far away from their position

Port city of Maihark

The port is bustling with the usual activity, however upon the news about the unknown object flying toward the city causing panic among the civilians and halting their activity, the local troops are mustering their forces and stationed them on the designated wall and guards towers, archers, and wind ballista operators preparing themselves to attack any aerial intruder

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