Chapter 1: Setting Up The Foot

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(note: this part might be confusing, so think about the countries that are summoned is a copy of the original countries instead)

1 week after the transfer
??,??, 1637
Gründerstadt, Wäldereich Federation

Light rains fall into the capital of the Wäldereich Federation during midday, due to heavy rationing, no civilian vehicles are moving back and forth forcing civilians to use the electric trams to serve as their transportation where police cars patrol the streets to conduct the order after the demonstration that ends up into a riots couple days ago.

In the governmental district, the security is increased to prevent any unwanted things from outside the district, several Kh-50 Haifisch attack helicopters and Ah-58 Dornhaifisch reconnaissance helicopters hovering above the governmental district where the ground several Nkpz-2 Ausf D Tanks are stationed near the checkpoints.

Inside the prime minister's office, three men are discussing something, they are prime minister Belkanov Schmidt, secretary of defense Rald Waldmann, and secretary of the treasury Rudolph Baker. Schmidt tapped on the table when reading the paper.

"This isn't good, luckily we're able to deal with the food section via rationing, although the fuel one would be a severe problem considering reports from several offshore drilling platforms, this might be... no this is worse than a nuclear attack".

"We're also losing our trading partners, I suggest we reduce our military spending to reduce our economic burden," said Baker.

Rald then commented, "Really, and weakening our military, leaving us in open to someone to invade our fatherland"

Baker sighed, then he responded, "Looks, I'm not saying that we'll cut the allocation of maintenance costs, we're trying to slow or shut down some research and development of the military project, those things are sucked our budgets".

Rald starts ranting "We must have the best equipment to protect the fatherland from the filthy invaders, remember the past that we were invaded by the so-called 'Allied Force' invade us and we only have small amounts and outdated equipment because we want to have a peaceful life via diplomacy. Peace is achieved if no one dares to attack us".

"Please stop with the nationalistic rant Waldmann, I've enough to hear that, we even aren't under attack," Baker said angrily.

"You two better cease your debate now. Baker's right we're not under attack, but now we must end this crisis" ordered Schmidt to cease both of them into an endless debate, then he pointed at Baker "Baker, allocate more funds to our satellite projects, I know the joint project of the satellite supposed to be finished about next 3 month but we're blind here, so we need them immediately".

Baker responded, "Understood sir, it'll be done".

"We'll reduce the scale of the weapon manufacturing and focus on the domestic needs since we don't have any foreign customers. Also, we shelved several military projects that we aren't needed, we can continue it if the economy is fully recovered" ordered Schmidt to Rald.

"Sir, yes sir" answers Rald.

Suddenly they heard someone opening the door, it was his assistant named Beatrice Watson. She carried a file containing several aerial reconnaissance photos, she gave it to Schmidt.

"Sir, this photo is taken from Bismarck Fleet Group around 3 hours ago at 300 NM from our territorial waters".

"Thanks Beatrice, how about other reports from other fleet groups?" asked Schmidt.

Beatrice answers "Negative sir, so far Enterprise Fleet Group, Tirpitz Fleet Group, and Richthofen Fleet Group found nothing but water".

??,??, 1637
3 hours ago, Jazera Kingdom

New World Superpower (A Fanfic About Summoning Japan/Nihonkoku Shoukan)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin