Chapter 35: Cauldron

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I opened my mouth to scream, yell for help, call for him.

But the King was faster, grabbing me by the leathers and vanishing. 

We appeared in a cave, the ground rumbling and tormented, shaking in fear, as if it knew what lurked in the depths of the mountain.

Hybern guards were behind us, guarding the entrance to whatever was tucked away. Yanking my leathers out of his hand, I turned towards the exit, and unsheathed my sword, prepared to fight my way out or die trying.

I had made it two steps when my braid got yanked, pulled behind me, causing me to scream in pain. The King had wrapped his hand in it and was pulling me along behind him, dragging me to wherever we were going.

"You will unhand me," I snarled, reaching for his hands to force him to undo me. "Let me go, right now."

He refused to listen, walking faster if anything. I took my sword and swung it down onto his forearm, flashing back to all those weeks ago, when I severed Azayzel's arm, starting my journey.

Beginning my true life.

But he was faster- my sword was flung across the cave, clanging onto the hard ground before it had even severed his armor.

I screamed in anger, twisting and pulling at my hair, kicking at his legs.

"Enough," he barked, throwing me forward by my braid. I knocked my head onto something hard, cold, stone. Glancing beside me, I saw a large bowl, no, cauldron, no.. the Cauldron.

My blood ran cold, every ounce of adrenaline purged from my body, fearful and horrified.

The King approached me, his demeanor that of an animal ensnaring its prey. Circling and terrifying, toying with fight or flight.

"This lovely object," he began, tapping it with his foot, "Makes mortals immortal. Transforms them into.. something better."

I backed away from him, from the Cauldron, fear silencing me. "Please," I whispered, my voice faltering.

"What's wrong, Aelfrun? No.. threats? Demands? Where's that Queenly sense I crave?" My throat closed in on itself as I realized what he wanted. Immortality for his bride, his Queen, the mother of his son. "I've already impregnated you," he purred. "Let's just finish this out."

Shaking my head relentlessly, I kept moving away, begging for someone- anyone to save me.

But no one came.

He lunged forward, his entirely fae body faster than my quarter, and grabbed my leathers. I screamed in horror, squirming and shaking relentlessly, but it did no good.

His strength was enough to lift me with one hand, hovering me in the air, taking joy in my fear.

He moved me above the Cauldron, the green bubbling liquid calling and whispering to me, reaching out in curiosity.

"I'll retrieve you after we've won," he whispered, a sneer on his face. 

Then, he released me.

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