Chapter 7: Poisonous

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I'm not quite sure how long I laid there, weeping. I mourned everything over the last three days.

I mourned my old body and mind. Something changing inside of me, something waking up that wasn't there before. A power, something different.

I mourned the end of peace in my time. A war was coming, whether my people accepted it or not. I thought of everyone who would die, all the blood shed, innocent or not.

I mourned my father and his legacy. His protectiveness over my childhood. He was absent, but he made me into a blade. One of unyielding force that would hopefully never be used. But today.. today that changed.

With one last look at the sun before it departed, I stood. Stood on my own feet, with no one there to catch me anymore. Not my father, never my mother, and not Nesta.

The glass of wine to my left was still full, waiting for usage. I drank it in one breath, wiped my mouth disgracefully, and turned to the dress.

"Spring Court, hm?" I murmured to myself. "Let's see what the fuck they could surprise me with."

* * *

Kore took my arm gently and led me down the hallway from the dining room into the Lord's meeting room. Well, Duchess's throne room now, I supposed.

We were silent, our faces masked. The castle was empty now, everyone told to report home for the night, and to prepare for a day of mourning tomorrow. My coronation would be the day after, I guessed. That was how things worked in royalty, with death comes life.

A strange cycle.

Kore stopped outside the doors and unhanded me. He took one last look at my face, ensuring we were portraying the correct image. My dark hair was pulled back tightly, showcasing my harsh cheekbones and eyes that didn't fit my complexion. Black kohl lined my eyes and covered my lips, with gold in my ears and on my head in the form of a small tiara.

He tapped my head, a reminder to keep a wall up. My father allowed me very little to no information about the faes, but I knew some of them had the ability to read your thoughts and control them. I wasn't sure if it was this one or not.

I nodded to Kore, who nodded back. He wasn't allowed in the meetings as a medicinal, cosmetic man, but Marlia was.

Two guards opened the doors for me, allowing me to look inside before walking. There was the High Lord of Spring, looking.. tired. His face was worn down.

Slowly, I entered, silencing all conversation. Marlia's eyes went wide in the corner, where her transcription desk was. She refused to miss any important meetings

The High Lord stood, approaching me cautiously. He wore nice clothing, I noticed. A very fine tunic and slacks. Interesting for a country I'd heard was starving.

"Duchess Aelfrun, I take it?" he asked gently, his voice sickly sweet. The embodiment of pokeberries, sweet to eat, poisonous to digest.

"High Lord Tamlin," I greeted, my voice level, face blank. "Pleasure to have you in the human lands." My hand extended to the table and his empty seat. "Please, take your seat."

I walked to the other head of the table, where my father used to sit. As I sat, memories rushed me, thoughts of his late night discussions with the other Lords and Queens, battle strategies over breakfast, him and my mother arguing during dinner.

"Where is your father, Duchess?" The other one asked.

Calmly, I replied, "He is indisposed as of this moment. I will be the only representative attending the meeting. Whatever business you have can begin."

A Bloody CrownOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora