Chapter 8: Dripping

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The door closed quietly behind me as I entered my room. I finally loosed the deep breath I didn't realize I was holding, walked slowly across my floor, and collapsed onto my couch by the open window. Moonlight was streaming in now, the gentle light illuminating my otherwise dark room.

A single candle was lit on the table, with a large glass of wine beside it. A note was attached onto it,

Sword being polished as you read this, Duchess. -Marlia

With a satisfied sigh, I took a large sip of wine, releasing my muscles. I allowed myself to feel heavy, fully sinking into my weight.

I gazed out the window into the sky, staring at the stars and shadows they cast. The dichotomy of the universe. Stars will always need darkness to complete them.

After a last look at the night, I waved my hand at the curtains, imagining they were closed. Complete darkness to pout in sounds nice at this moment. 

Slowly, I bent over and untied my heels, throwing them across the room into a pile with other discarded clothing and shoes.

I leaned backwards, pulling my legs onto the couch, laying across it dramatically. My arms were thrown above my head, stretching out my back. 

My long dress spilled over onto the floor, the dark green blending in with the darkness. I felt like blending in with the darkness. Letting the shadows absorb me, fading into nothing.

Tears filled my eyes again, the stress once again mounting. How would I be a ruler? A real one, not a sidekick who sits in on important meetings. With great effort, I pushed them away, not allowing another meltdown.

I opened my eyes and took another sip of wine, melting further onto the couch.

Noticing it was slightly darker in the room, I blinked a couple times, trying to push the tears and sleep out of my eyes. But.. it wasn't my clouded vision.

I looked to the floor, wondering why the moon wasn't pooling and illuminating my little corner of the room anymore. My head cocked slightly at the sight- the curtain was closed.

I blinked again, looking at the curtains, making sure they were closed as they appeared. 

Slowly, I stood, and went to the window, moving the cloth around, ensuring they were real. 

What the fuck?

They were bound in their night ribbon, preventing them from opening during the night. Tied with a neat little bow. That would have taken time. More time than I laid with my eyes closed.

My eyes narrowed as I glanced around the room, ensuring that fae from earlier wasn't here. With a deep breath, I sat back onto the couch, drinking the rest of my wine in a few sips. Rolling my shoulders back, and taking another gaze around the room,  I laid back onto the couch and collapsed, drifting out of consciousness.

The sound of loud, dripping liquid woke me up moments later. I sat up immediately, breathing heavily, chest pounding. 

My eyes flew around the room, looking for the source of the sound.

In the corner, by my closet, a body was hanging from the ceiling, blood dripping off it, onto the floor. The splattering sound was deafening, rippling through the room. The rope was tied around their ankles, the bound body hanging upside down.

As I looked closer, I saw it was my mother's body. Her throat was slit, light skin covered in red, light eyes dimmed.

Vomit rose in my throat, anxiety right behind it.

The sound of the dripping grew louder, enough to burst my eardrums. I felt it in my chest, my bones vibrated along with it.

"Aelfrun...." she whispered, her mouth moving, blood bubbling out of it.

My words were strangled and choked, fear binding them. "Mother?"

"Aeelfruuun," she whispered again. "AELFRUN."

I screamed, my throat going numb at the sheer force.

Then, I woke up.

"Aelfrun!" Marlia was screaming, shaking my shoulders harshly. "Aelfrun, wake up!" 

My eyes flew open, rolling off the couch onto my feet. My fists were clenched tightly, blood coursing through me, adrenaline spiked.

Kore was standing beside her, his hands in the air, face the epitome of fear. "Aelfrun," he whispered, heartbreak in his eyes.

"I'm fine," I snapped, immediately releasing my bodily tension, trying to uphold appearances. "What time is it?"

Marlia shook her head. "You are NOT fine, Aelfrun. You've been weird for weeks, but especially since you got knocked in the head in the training ring two days ago. Cut the shit."

My eyes flared at her tone, the choice of words also insulting. "You will watch-"

"I will watch nothing!" She shrieked, her dark eyes staring into my soul. "Something is wrong, Aelfrun. Your parents know and clearly don't care, so I have to. I've cared for you since you were a baby, Allyfrun. What is wrong with you?"

"Nothing is wrong with me, Marlia, and I asked you to not call me that years ago." I snarled, stepping towards her, finger pointed at her chest. Her eyes grew wide in fear, lips pursing in silence. "It is not your place nor my wish for your parental advice."

Suddenly, she gasped. It sounded as if all the air was sucked out of her lungs. She fell to her knees, clutching at her chest desperately, face going red. Her eyes were near to bursting out of her skull, the fear staring right at me.

"STOP, AELFRUN," Kore bellowed, throwing his hand out towards me. "You're killing her!"

I dropped my hand in confusion, blinking at his words. "What?"

Marlia gasped, taking in oxygen, coughing and wheezing harshly. She wrapped her arms around her stomach, taking slow, deep breaths at Kore's command. After one last look at me, he picked her up, taking her out of the room.

I stared at the spot on the floor where she had knelt, her hand leaving a print on the floor. At least, I thought I could see a print anyway.

The grandfather clock in my hall chimed midnight, the clanging echoing through my open door and bedroom. 

I looked at my right hand, the one I had pointed at Marlia's chest, staring at it in confusion. Then, I thought back to the curtains just a few hours ago.

"You don't know?" Tamlin had said. "Know what?" I wondered.

With anger building in my chest, I threw the dress off and slipped into my fighting leathers that were tucked neatly into my drawers by Marlia. They slid over my body nicely, the dark black material hugging my body and providing a sense of support.

I snatched the sheath from my closet and wrapped it around my waist, sticking the sword Marlia brought in while I was sleeping inside the holster. A pang of guilt hit me as I realized she still brought the sword in, regardless of how afraid she was when I asked her for it earlier.

Maybe she had a right to be afraid. Look at me with fear in her eyes. With disgust. Uncertainty.

I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror- dark makeup, clothes, harsh outlines, anger in my eyes.

Shaking my head and looking away, I went to my desk drawer and opened it, grabbing the letter.

Midnight tomorrow.

Taking the stone in my hand, I prayed to the Cauldron, then threw it back into the desk drawer out of anger. 

I slipped out the window, my feet hitting the ground, and began walking towards the training grounds.

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