Chapter 6: Unclean

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Kore lifted me into his arms, my legs numb now, and began walking towards my room.

His footsteps were slow, automated almost. We walked through a whole portion of the castle, people gasping and murmuring as we walked by. For once, he didn't entertain their guesses and stares. 

We walked past my mother, her eyes wide. "What.. what happened?"

A guard approached her and whispered in her ear. Somewhere I heard screaming again. I think it was her. My mother, my poor, dumb mother.

Kore opened the door to my room and closed it gently behind us. We walked into the bathroom, the beautiful ivory and gold bathroom. I hated being in it unclean. It made me feel.. disgraceful.

The ivory tub was stained red, the pure turned violent. Clean turned dirty. I felt the cold basin of the tub on my thighs and shivered slightly.

Slowly, he unlaced my heels, his hands working gently around my calves. He was warm, I noted. 

Warm like the blood.

He slowly leaned me forward, unlacing my corset so I could remove my dress.

"Undress and run the bath," he mumbled quietly. "I'll be back when the bubbles obscure you."

I nodded, not really caring at this moment if he saw me naked, but I knew I'd appreciate the chivalry later. I threw my dress and underwear off, turned on the warm water, and began washing it down the drain. 

I must have sat under the running faucet for hours, absorbing the warmth it gave.

It was always so cold here, so loveless.

When I finally felt.. human again, I plugged up the sink, allowing the hot water to rise around me. Slowly, I poured a good amount of soap in, the bubbles becoming thicker. 

"Kore," I whispered, not being able to rise above that.

He walked in, ears perked. "Did you call, Duchess?"

The bubbles covered me at this point, but Kore still added a few more. He pulled out a small vial in his medicine bag, and emptied that into the bath as well. "Just some medicated salts, darling. Help you relax."

I nodded, not caring about that either.

"What happened, Aelfrun?" 

Finally, I turned to look at him. His eyes narrowed at my neck, the bruises on the front not covered well. He leaned over to me, gently brushing aside the strands that had fallen out of my braids. 

His voice was cold, quiet rage. "Who did this to you?"

My head shook, the strands falling out of his hand. "I can't, Kore."

He went to his knees beside the tub, taking my face into his hand gently, turning me to him. "You've got to talk, Duchess. Our Lord has just been killed, and that makes you ruler."

My eyes went wide, the reality settling in. "I didn't... I didn't even think..."

He shushed me gently, rubbing my cheek with his thumb. "That's not a concern right now. I say it to let you know... you have to trust someone. It may as well be your doctor."

"I can't right now," I whispered.

He nodded, smiling softly. "Whenever you are ready, Duchess. Would you like some pink?"

"Yes, please."

Kore gently released my face, gave me one last look, then left the room to get my wine. 

I lifted my hands through the water, looking at the bubbles sliding up and down my hands. My eyes closed slightly, leaning my head back against the rim of the tub. 

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