Chapter 13: Thunderstruck

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I sit in class bored out of my brains. I notice the clouds outside are getting dark and thunder is rolling in, small strikes of lightning too.
My mind instantly clicks to Theo. I hope he's okay i know he doesn't like storms.

I send him a quick message.

*Hey handsome, you okay?*

I slip my phone back in my pocket bringing my attention back to the teacher.

After 40 minutes of the lesson i walk out the classroom and check my phone. 
No response from Theo. He normally responds fairly quickly.

I have a free period so i wonder my way back to the dorm. I look out the hallway window. Thunder booming, lightning flashing. It starts raining, raining hard. The storms pretty bad.

I unlock the door to the dorm.
Theo is sitting on the couch breathing deeply. His legs shaking. His hands are linked together and he's just staring at them his head hanging low.

His eyes snap to me. They are red, puffy and bloodshot. He's been crying.

"Leave." He mumbles his head going back to watching his hands.
"What?" I say taking a step closer to the kitchen away from the door.
"Leave. You can't see me like this." His voice is strained.
"Why not?"
"It's not boyfriend like."
"What makes you think that."

"I should be tough and manly, someone who can protect you and not cry about a fucking storm." His tone gets harsher.

"You do all of those things, before we were even dating. Opening up to me about this is only going to build our relationship. I'm not here to judge you. Everyone's scared of something. Let me help you Theo." I say taking steps towards him sitting next to him on the couch.

He looks up at me. He wraps his arms around my waist pulling me close to him. His head dropping to my neck letting out sobs. My heart hurts for him.

"Talk to me love." I say rubbing his back.

"I'm just scared. I've never liked storms and when i was in a foster home they screamed at me because i was having a panic attack during the storm." His grip on my waist gets tighter pulling me to him.

"Your so brave Theo. Your doing well. What about the storm makes you scared?"

"My parents died during a storm."

The poor boy.

"I'm so sorry baby." I hold him tightly.
"I'll help you through it everytime."

He lets out another sob into my neck. My heart hurts so bad.

"I'm sorry i'm not tough." He mumbles.
I pull his head out my neck cupping his cheeks rubbing his tears away.

"I think your so tough. You went through all this trauma as a little boy, and you have come out of it a nice, sweet, handsome, caring, funny man. Everyone loves you so much and they all appreciate you.
Being a man doesn't mean you have to be tough."

His eyes lighten at my words. He pulls me in for another hug.

"Thank you princess." He says.
Next thing we know Princess is sitting infront of us on the floor hearing her name.

We both chuckle before gigivng her pats.

I put on a movie and he rests his head on my lap his legs sprawled on the couch my hands in his hair. I watch as he eventually drifts off to sleep.

The door hurts open the 4 boys all standing there worried. Jai not with them.
There eyes lock on me and Theo and they tilt there heads at us.

"Is he drugged up or something?" Fred asked confusion writen all over his face.

"No why?"

"He's never been so calm in a storm, let alone sleeping ." Jovi says.

"My special touch i guess." I smile softly.

"Your special to him alright." George smirks.

"I want to squish his cheeks." Kade says walking over.

Theos eyes shoot open.

"Don't you fuckin' dare." He grumbles before closing his eyes again.

The boys all let out quiet chuckles a grumpy look taming on Kade's face.
They all leave the dorm knowing he's okay.

I watch as Theo's hand traces random things on my thigh.
I follow the pattern and realise he is writing 'mine'
I smile to myself as his touch.

"Remember the day we first met."
"Of course. You were trying to talk with toothpaste in your mouth."
"God that was embarrassing." He chuckles.
"No it's not you were cute."
He tilts his head up and looks at me.
"You thought i was cute?"
"I mean i was expecting a girl so you were cuter than expected."
"Thank you.. I think. I thought you were pretty cute too."
"Mhm. I got so nervous as soon as your eyes locked with mine."
"Awh Theo that's so sweet." I peck his lips.
"Now look at us." He says.
"Crazy huh."

He just stares at me for a little while so i turn my attention back to the movie.

"Kiss me pretty girl." He says. I drop my gaze back to him and give him a kiss on the lips. I pull away only for my jaw to be gripped and pulled back to his lips in a deep kiss.

We break the kiss breathing heavily.
We go off to bed. He rolls ontop of me putting his head in my chest. Practically in my boobs because of the low-cut singlet i'm wearing.

 Practically in my boobs because of the low-cut singlet i'm wearing

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