Meeting The Others

Start from the beginning

"Your mother and I have been friends for quite a long now," she said as I smiled a little

"So as Magnus told me earlier, that means that I do have a little family here also in down world?" I asked her as she nodded

"Yes, dear your own actual family, there are not many people left around but I'll get you to meet who all are left now," she said as she called one of her servants to bring some coffee or tea

"You have an uncle, aunt, cousin brother who's currently away for studies right now. And an elder sister if you'll consider her like that or more like a friend I suppose" She told me everything

"I-I have a brother? A cousin brother?" I blurted out in excitement as she nodded "Wow, That's Nice. I've always wanted a brother" I said on having the thought of a brother as she smiled

We drank some coffee as she told me about how good my mom is when it comes to wielding magic and one of the most powerful witches in her coven and among the woman of this generation. As we talked more she told me about the time when mom came over to her when she got to know that she was about to have me and I listened to all the stories from her about her and mom's friendship.

"So you mean to say that then Valentine was a threat to everyone just like he is now?" I asked

"Yes darling, he was even more of a pain in the ass than he is now," she said as I laughed

"Well, I guess we can take that as an understatement then," I said sipping my coffee as they told me about what all Valentine did at that time because of the uprising and stuff. How stubborn he was in his thinking and he thought nothing well of the downloaders for him we were nothing less than monsters as we had powers different from these shadow hunters and his hunt and greed for making a race pure of shadow-hunters was strong.

"I can't believe how a man can be so stupid and evil-minded" I scoffed as I stood up

"He was, as he never had the powers we did. He started to look down on us and tried to kill us to make his desire come true," Magnus said as I heard their portions

"And considering now that you're also a downloader, you're one of us now, and no matter what happens you're our responsibility. That is why I brought you to Katniss today she'll be able to help you out quite easily with your magic being a witch of your coven herself" he said as he pointed towards Katniss

"Thank you Magnus for doing so much and not only you, you too Katniss you both are doing so much for me to just make me a part of this world of yours which I never knew existed a few weeks back," I said as I hugged Magnus and he hugged me back too

"Well, then I'll leave you two to talk and train, you know where to go when you're done," he said as he stepped out leaving me and Katniss alone as she called me to sit with her

"So what did your mom tell you about us?" She asked sitting across the sofa

"Well, honestly nothing" I chuckled as I looked down "I just got thrown into this world without her presence," I said folding my hands on my lap

"Hmm, I see well no problem seeing you I don't think you'll have any problem in becoming a part of our family once again now that you're here. So how much have you learned about your magic and used it till now?" She explained and asked me as I told her about what all Magnus taught me about my magic and what I have used till now she told me some different ways also in which I can use my magic as I had little different power than others.

She explained as I practiced under her guidance on how to use it in a fight and my phone started ringing as we got back to the living room from the practice

It was a message from Alec :
"I need your help please come down near to the institute, it's urgent"
I saw the message and started packing my things as Katniss came with the water.

"Going so soon, what seems the matter darling?"

"My friends are in a little trouble I need to leave. But it was nice meeting you Katniss and thanks for enlightening me about my magic and the shadow-world and down-world more" I said as I took the glass drank some water, kept it back, and gave her a tight hug

"You can come here whenever you feel like it, just let me know whenever you need to talk or need guidance about your magic," she said parting away from the hug and patting my back

"Btw Kara was right when she said that you'll become one of the strongest witches and even surpass her some time. I can see now why she said that. Be safe and take care I'll see you soon" she said

"I'll see you soon too," I said and created a portal and reached the institute and walked a few blocks ahead and saw an annoyed and worried Alec pacing on the sidewalk as I ran up to him

"Hey, what happened you okay? You're not hurt are you?" I asked as I caught up to him and stopped him from pacing around

"I-I It's actually, uh it's-" he stuttered while speaking as I held his face in my hands calming him down as he looked at me

"Hey, look at me what is it? Where are you hurt? What went wrong?" I asked looking into his big brown eyes shining in the sunlight

Alec's POV
I saw Clary being dragged away by some people in a car as I messaged Jace and he and Isabelle headed over to her loft he tried tracking her but I couldn't focus even when we were doing our parabatai tracking and I walked away for some time and messaged Veronica to come over as she was away with Magnus.

I don't know why I didn't message her but I guess I needed her right now, she would be able to help me and understand my situation. I saw her coming my way as she ran over to me worried after reading my message.

She came over and questioned me but I couldn't say anything clearly as she grabbed my face with those warm hands of hers. What surprised me more was that she thought that something has happened to me and she was concerned about me! I looked at her and my stutter stopped with just a slight touch of hers, I relaxed and closed my eyes taking a deep breath to calm myself down 

I had never felt something like this with anyone before, the way Veronica talks, whenever she's around me I'm at a little ease and her touch just relaxes me from my worries. Whenever she gets close it seems like my heart beats faster than before.

𝑨𝑵𝑮𝑬𝑳 ~ 𝑨𝑳𝑬𝑪  𝑳𝑰𝑮𝑯𝑻𝑾𝑶𝑶𝑫  Where stories live. Discover now