Forty: Old Habits Do Die Hard

221 5 18

Three Days Later - January 31, 1989

Michael's POV

I sat, sunken in the chair, as I gazed motionless at the ground. It had been three days since everything happened, and still no word from Lauren. Her parents nor siblings have heard from her. They decided to stay a little longer in hopes that she would return to Neverland, or at least keep in touch with them.

Although it's only been a few days, it felt like a lifetime has passed me by. I looked everywhere for her and still nothing. I spent the rest of the day searching the entire property after she disappeared, hoping to find her off  somewhere to herself, but it was the complete opposite. And I couldn't think of anywhere else to check.

I knew she wouldn't be at the studio I bought for her here, because I hadn't got the chance to actually take her to it. And it's not like there's anyone in New York I could call, because her family was here. Not to mention, people have been trying non-stop to reach me. Everyone wants an exclusive. Thanks to his ass, people wanna know all about the fight, Lauren's pregnancy, the extent of our relationship. And of course, the rumors have only gotten worse.

There has never been a time where I didn't wanna put him through a fucking wall. But no matter how much anger I had built up towards him, I couldn't seem to shake the feelings I harbored towards Lauren. While I'm hurt by her actions and decision to just up and leave, I had to admit I was pissed at her. Not only for disappearing, but the fact that she decided to go behind my back and be friends with his bitch ass.

I can't believe she never thought to talk to me about this. It was a selfish thing to do if you ask me. And while I have to admit that it isn't the worst thing in the world, and maybe I'm being a bit dramatic. Maybe. It still bothers me, and I don't know why. Maybe it's an ego trip, or maybe I'm just being jealous and unreasonable.

Nah. I'm being reasonable. And I have every right to feel the way I do about it. I always knew he was gonna be a problem, whereas she clearly didn't. Otherwise we wouldn't be in this predicament. Can't forget the fact that she didn't want to tell me, shows that she knew that it wasn't right.

Things like this always led me down an unhealthy path of overthinking. This situation opened up a door that I hoped to have closed for good. But time after time, I'm always reminded that it remains open. The sad truth is, Jermaine and Joseph were right about one thing, the women of my past.

Over the past ten years, I've had women come and go, for different reasons of course. But one of the main things they all had in common, was the thirst for the life. Whether it was the fame, a shot at a career, the glamour, the money, the power, they all wanted a piece of it. They never had a real interest in me as a person and it was pretty obvious. I had to admit, I was satisfied with the attention. It was such an ego boost that I stopped caring about the lack of depth in our relationships.

Buying any and everything that they wanted. Cars, houses, apartments, shoes, clothes, jewelry. Even the older women I entertained, they were satisfied as long as I threw them money and dick. I don't say any of this to pretend to be innocent because I'm far from that. I did my share of dirt, but it still hurt because I was all in, and willing to drop whoever, whenever. But it never happened that way.

Despite all of the money I've blown on women, no one ever got this far. Only Lauren. I've never been stupid enough to put a baby in anyone. I was captivated by the attention, but never have I been obtuse. If any of them was able to pull off carrying my child, that would be my biggest fuck up. Which leads me to Lauren, so many questions were in the air.

Did she play me?

Is she really carrying my child?

Is she still in California?

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