Twenty-Nine: You Know Me So Well

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Three Days Later - December 20, 1988

We were back in New York after spending a couple of weeks in Tokyo. I had to admit that I actually missed it. It was really beautiful, not to mention all the fun we had. Despite the minor inconveniences we came across, I can honestly say I really enjoyed myself.

We'd been back for a couple of days and Christmas was coming up. Ashlyn and I were out doing our Christmas shopping. I had to make sure I got something for all of my family members, Ashlyn, and Michael. Michael's last two shows in Tokyo were on Christmas and the day after. I was sad that he wouldn't be able to spend Christmas here or with his family, but I was excited to see him once he finally came back.

After Ashlyn checked out, we made our way to the exit. "I definitely missed the city. But I'm already over this," Ashlyn joked as she gestured to the paparazzi.

Once the whole world knew who I was, my world completely changed. Aside from the hotel exposing me to the tabloids, when I made my presence known on stage in Tokyo, that solidified everything. I was now in the public eye, and there was no way I could get out of it.

Luckily I wasn't mainly referred to as a call girl anymore, although there are a few of the shitty tabloids that still refer to me as one. Even the paparazzi can be heard saying it here and there. While it isn't excessive anymore, some are still convinced I was a 'call girl turned girlfriend'. It was all so stupid if you asked me.

"I was over it before we left Tokyo," I replied as we made our way to the waiting car. We ignored the ranting paps and their cameras as we got inside.

I had four security guards with me at all times. If it were up to Michael, I would have way more, but I convinced him that four was more than enough. I knew he meant well and only wanted to make sure I was safe and secure, but he understood the fact that I didn't want to be completely smothered. Once we were in, our driver quickly closed the door before making his way back to his side.

"Where to, Miss Lauren?" He asked me once he was inside the car.

"Um," I said as I looked over at Ashlyn not knowing what to say.

"Honestly, we can always finish shopping tomorrow," Ashlyn spoke up and I looked at her.

"Are you sure?" I asked raising an eyebrow.

"Yes. We did a lot of shopping today." She replied.

She was right. We did spend a good amount of time out today before the paparazzi found us. I was able to get the new video game Christian wanted, and the walkman for Camille. I also got my mom this beautiful diamond necklace and Tiffany bracelet. All that was left for me to get was a gift for my dad, Ashlyn, and Michael.

For some odd reason, my dad wanted a damn leather jacket. I figured he was going through a mid life crisis or something. My siblings and I decided to get him a leather jacket, and an ugly Christmas sweater as well. We figured the look on his face would be priceless when he thought that was his gift instead of the jacket.

"Okay, well you can take us back to my apartment," I told my driver. In return, he nodded before starting the car. We could hear the paparazzi screaming from outside the car as they tried to get our attention. Our driver immediately pulled off, leaving them in the distance.

When we finally made it to my apartment, we thanked our driver before quickly making our way inside. I was so thankful that no one had found out where I lived. I hoped it stayed that way. We rode the elevator up to my apartment, and I unlocked the door. I closed and locked the door, before sitting my bags down.

"Whew," Ashlyn said as she sighed. She sat her bags down before plopping down on the couch. "That felt like a workout," she joked as she looked at me. I simply laughed and shook my head as I sat beside her.

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