Chapter 18: Traitors Among Us

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"Someone should tell Till, that neck scarf and shades are not helping him at all" Booman said as she boarded the plane that was suppose to take her to the States. "I told him you wouldn't like it" Ufta said as Booman sat down next to her. "Welcome, Mistress Booman" Ufta said respectfully. "So what's the plan here?" Booman asked. "Your father gave us orders to take you straight to him." Ufta answered. "That's too risky, with all the passengers on board" Booman pointed out. "Everyone on the plane has some kinda business with the Master" Ufta stated. "Its still to dangerous, let's reroute and stop midway. Request from the port for transport from that point to the Hovercraft" Booman ordered. "Yes ma'am" Ufta answered. "So, what have I missed?" She asked. "The master launched the first IFO attack, Mistress Hooman just finished the prototype for the dronepack, a jetpack that can be controlled remotely and also the Hoverpack, a jetpack that uses hover technology." Ufta reported. "What of Norman?" She asked. "He's still trying to adjust, he's been apprehensive since he arrived" Ufta answered. "I told dad we needed to tell him" Booman said to herself, "But that's why you're here, right?" Ufta asked. "Yes, but that's not the only reason. You do know who I am, right?" Booman said a little angry. "Yes, yes I know" Ufta said defensively. "You're the girl whose genius is said to rival that of Don Antonio himself, The indispensable brilliance that designed the IFOs, the Commander of the second division Battalion and the Lefthand of the Master, Mistress Booman Zakar." Ufta revered. "Ma'am we're ready, waiting for your orders" a flight attendant came by to tell Booman. "Let's go" she said. "Been a long time since I saw Beets and Uncle Don, I'm finally coming home" she said as she chuckled.

"Athena?" Peets asked. "Athena" Amara answered. "Kido saori?" He asked. "We're not going down that road again." "You mentioned she's supposed to be dead" Emma asked. "Well, unconfirmed" Maxim said. "What happened?" Emma asked. "Back when Conda was still a war zone, we sent in some operatives on recon but they were caught. So we sent in another team to extract them, they were successful in freeing the recon team but were caught in  a crossfire and could not make it to the extraction point. Ufta and her team were called in to clear them a path to the extraction point. Dack was to oversee the mission. Ufta was reckless but she got the job done, she gave an order that seemed not right to Dack and he challenged it. In that little time that Dack delayed her and her team, the enemy closed in on them and opened fire. We never heard from any of the teams every again" Maxim narrated. "Explains why mom hates Dack so much" Peets stated. "Exactly" Amara said.

"Norman I have a question for you" Emma said turning to face Norman, "While we were still at the bunker...", "The Hovercraft" Beets corrected her. Immediately Peets and Emma turned to her in surprise, "Did you just talk?" Peets asked stunned. "I was beginning to think you didn't notice" Beets said annoyed. "I've spoken before you know" she added. "I guess we just thought it was someone else's voice" Emma said. "You were about to ask me something" Norman interrupted them. "Err, yeah. Its actually a question to all of you. You guys seemed to know your way around the Hovercraft, How's that?" Emma asked. "How do you mean?" Booman asked. "Actually now that you mentioned it, it's kinda suspicious how you guy just knew things in there. Weren't you guys locked up?" Peets asked. "We sometimes do some little work here and there on the Hovercraft. That's how we knew those things" Booman said defensively. "Okay I guess that plausible, Lefthand of the Master, mistress Booman" Emma said as she took a leap back into a stance ready for battle. "I take the data didn't self destruct then" Norman said as he released a sigh. "Zakar's aces; Booman, Hooman, Norman, Till, Anna, Don Antonio, Covis and Ufta" Peets recited. "Add two names to the list, Ronnie Anne Wood and Amara Boyle" Norman said with a smirk. "Well Ronnie Anne developed weak knees so we had to put her down." Amara stated. "So its true then" Emma said angrily. "Yes, it is" Amara answered with a straight face. "What's going on?" Maxim asked confused. "They have been working with Zakar from the start" Emma said. "How could you?" Emma asked Booman. "I knew who my father was since I was four, he gave my life purpose and he is the savior this world needs" she answered. "Norman, I thought you said your dad needed to be stopped?" Peets asked Norman. "I did and for sometime I really wanted to but he opened my eyes, I see the full picture now" he answered.

"You guys were tasked with saving the world, how could you?" Maxim said angrily. "We were tasked with defeating a otherworldly being, it's a battle that has been going on for more than four centuries. We can't win and the sooner you all realize that the better. We chose the other side because we can control the narrative from over there." Amara said in frustration. "Control the narrative, you just sent every last one of our good agents to their deaths, you were sitting by while Zakar almost wiped out humanity during the year if cleansing. Nothing you can say will justify your actions." Emma shouted out angrily. "We surrender, lock us up. It won't make a difference."Booman stated. After they were put in cuffs Amara turned to Maxim. "GLOBAPOL is all yours now, If you still think you stand a chance then I'll give you all the help you need. On the far side of the island, there is a secret archive room for all matters GLOBAPOL. Its manual and all written, my advice would be, search for everything Level W and above. When all the information is laid in front of you, I would like to see if you choose to go down the same path we did or if you will see from that information an alternate path. Remember, we were tasked with saving the world and we were willing to do whatever it took, no matter the magnitude of risks involved." She then turned her back on them and started walking away towards the others, "Good luck, cause even if you have it. You might not have enough" she said as she walked away. "Take them to lock up" Maxim ordered.

"Aren't you forgetting to tell them something?" Norman said to Amara before they were taken away, "I will then, everyone you rescued from the hovercraft is working for my dad. They were not forced, they did it willingly. So don't make the assumption that you remotely still have troops even though about three fourth of them were GLOBAPOL agents." He said. "All six thousand?" Emma said discouraged. "Have fun playing around for now." He finally said as he walk out. "This is so frustrating" Maxim said. "It sure is" Emma concurred. "What am I supposed to do now?" Maxim asked. "I think we should check out what Amara was talking about, I know she's with the enemy but I really feel like she think we can pull something off" Peets suggested. "I agree with him, it might have been a mission gone wrong and now they're probably stuck. As an agent who has gone undercover before, you should agree that one cannot control all operations from within no matter how close to the leader one is." Emma said. "So you're saying that, there's the possibility that Amara and the rest are not totally against us" Maxim asked. "Yes, exactly" they both said. "Alright, let's go back to the island and check." Maxim stated. They arrived on the island and the rubble from the  bunker and the destroyed GLOBAPOL HQ  facilities were everywhere. "Can you believe we were here just a few days ago?" Emma asked as they walked through the debris. They arrived at the archive room and using Amara's swipe card. They got access into the room. "Why use Amara swipe card when you have the same category swipe card?" Peets asked Maxim. "Its not the highest, mine is Category 1, hers is Category 0." Maxim answered. As they open the door and when it, the pile of files in front of them gave them a fright. "O boy, this is going to take a while" Peets exclaimed.

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