chapter 1: Peets' Confusion

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About five thousand years of human history undone by five hundred years of hatred, about a hundred years of meticulous planning and three years of pure chaos. In the days humanity took it's last stand against the seemingly immortal psychopathic maniac, Zakarpat. The flow of human norms had taken a drastic turn.

Booman, one of the two daughters of Mr and Mrs Karps, came by the hospital to visit Peets. Her sister, Hooman didn't tag along. Apparently, she was still feeling guilty about what had happened.

"I'm kinda the reason both of them are at the hospital" she said as Booman tried to force her to come with, " I'll see both of them when the time is right."

Peets was getting worried, not about himself but for a couple of other reasons; his sister, she hadn't said a word for about two days, all she did was smile in a rather awkward way and she indulged in series of continuous nodding. Also, his parents had not visited him since he regained consciousness and his best friend, Booman's brother's condition was being kept from him.

Booman came to the hospital that day to clear up some of Peets' confusion. A few days before, after the Sound Quake had happened Booman noticed something off about Beets. A girl who never knew when to shut up was actually shutting up, "that's strange" Booman thought. Everyone obviously thought that the shock from the Quake was still in her system, so Booman decided to cheer the little girl up.

At first, it was kinda cute how Beets reacted to everything Booman said with a nod and a smile but then it got weird then awkward. Little after the awkwardness did Booman realize what was really going on. "Poor Beets" she sobbed. "Her family should hear about this" her thoughts trampled upon her bitter tears.

She originally came to the hospital to tell poor Peets about his sister's condition but the look she found on his face after seeing him discouraged her completely. She remembered how Mr and Mrs Wood had disappeared after hearing of their daughter's condition. That was also amongst the things she wanted to discuss with him but she figured now was not the best time and so she left.

Knowing they already had a son in the hospital that might not make it and some of the other problems that they had to resolve with utmost urgency, Mr and Mrs Wood were torn apart upon hearing the news about their daughter. They didn't even stick around to hear the full story before storming off. "Please could you guys take care of the kids while we're away" Mr Wood pleaded.

"They're fed up with it all, maybe" Hooman said to her parents. "They need time to unwind and come back down to earth, they need their heads out of the clouds" Booman supported her sister. "But we're also in pain, I mean we're both kinda in the same situation" Mr Karps protested. "I guess we're better at dealing with it", " But how do we tell Beets' twin brother" Mrs Karps kept soliloquizing, asking rhetorically. The troubled family brainstormed until finally Hooman found an answer.

Till was a friend to Booman, they went to the same school along with her other siblings and the twins of the Wood family. Till came to visit his father who was amongst those who were hospitalized by the Quake. He met Booman as she was searching for her brother's ward, they both stopped to chat. "It feels like we haven't seen each other in forever" Till said hyperbolically, "it's hasn't even been half a week yet, silly" Booman responded litotically knowing very well it's been weeks since they last met.

Meanwhile, Peets' doctor was on his way to give Peets his medications and run a few minor checks on him. As he entered the ward, he saw his sister with him. Being the first time he had seen her there, he tried his best to not let Peets in on what had happened. He knew Beets wouldn't respond or more appropriately, couldn't respond so he decided to write on a piece of paper. "Are you feeling any better?", "Not really, thank you" she wrote back. At this point Peets looked at both of them quizzically, as if he was waiting for an answer or explanation or perhaps both.

The chat between the friends was cut short by the doctor taking care of Till's dad, as he came towards Till and whispered in his ears. Till staggered, almost falling over, his face was engrossed in a weirdly spooked expression and he had his small eyes wide open in shock. As he guided himself along the wall he began to hit himself hard screaming and shouting as he did it "Wake up idiot, wake up. It's a dream, it's a stupid dream" he cried. The doctor and Booman tried to stop him and after nine minutes of wrestling, they were able to get him under control. "What did you tell him any way, he was perfectly fine some minutes ago" Booman asked the doctor. "His father is dead" he replied.

The Shadow Linear Multi-national Teaching Hospital was home to all the finest doctors and nurses the town of Ukwa was lucky enough to have. It was one of the best hospitals, second only to TECH in Culat in the whole of Northern Conda but still bodies were dropping out of this hospital like rain. Till's dad was one of the unfortunate soul that had died at the hospital. Since the day of the Sound Quake more than five thousand innocent souls have died.

Till had finally calmed down and Booman had talked to him, she always had her way when it came to men. After all the drama, she decided to go see Peets again. On her way she met his doctor. He explained to Booman about what had happened in Peets' ward and he also explain how her brother was doing. Sad and happy to hear about her brother as tears rolled out of her eyes, a loud psychopathic laughter came blooming out her mouth. Leaving the doctor stunned.

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