Part 2 : prologue

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I've always wanted to write one of these and I'm finally doing it. Fingers crossed it goes well.

Part one is finally over and it contained some shocking reveals about the nature of the story but still didn't shed enough light as it should have. Just bear with me, Part 2 is here to pick up where Part 1 stopped.

Just know to expect the unexpected. And since the unexpected is now what you expect, try to lean toward the expected a little bit also. A lot is coming in part two; Who exactly is Dack?, how did Emma become such an amazing field agent?, is it possible that Amara is working for Zakar?, what exactly is Zakar?, and my personal favourite, why is the story named Norman's Last Days if Norman is still alive?, does it mean something else?.

Let's find out together in Norman's Last Days Part 2.

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