Chapter 6: Before she left

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About half an hour before the the first Sound Quake occurred, in the city of Ukwa, everyone carried about their business of the day. The air was filled with happy children voices while they played. In the house of the Wood's, a very important conversation was about to happen over the phone. "This is Special Intelligence Field Agent, Ronni Anne Wood, identity code: Q2U9PUT5, reporting in. Patch me through to Amara, this call should be registered with at Classification Level X." After a minute or so, Amara picked up. "The bombs just became active, What's going on, Ronni?" Amara pointed out fast before the usual pleasantries. "The bombs were as secure as possible with a quadruple trip and lock system, a single wire single circuit detonator, motion censors and deep underground maze patterns. Making it impossible to defuse or move." Ronnie explained. "We already knew this beforehand, and you were sure we could defuse, what changed?" Amara inquired. "We thought it was a triple trip system, its too late to try anything now and also once the first one detonates, the rest must."Ronnie added, "So there's nothing we can do" Amara anxiously said.

"Bye, guys." At the airport where Booman was about to board a plane to the States, Emma, Peets and her mom where there to bid her farewell. "Hey, mom" Booman turned to her mother. "If everything turns out as planned, do you think we'll all still have time to say goodbye?" She asked her mother. "Nothing's for sure darling, we're all taking a gamble here" her mom answered in an uncertain tone. "It just has to work out someway, right?" Booman insisted. "Yes, it has too. Besides we're too far in to back out now, there's too much at stack right now" Booman quickly answered her question herself. She then turned her back on the three, "Here I come" she screamed as she galloped on to board her flight. "Bye, guy" she said again. Meanwhile Emma and Peets  were confused thinking about the intense convo the mother and daughter just had. With smiles on their faces and confusion in the minds, they shouted their goodbyes to someone they thought they would never see again. "All operations are a go" Till, who was standing behind a pillar with sunglasses and a scarf around his neck spoke thought a microphone on his chest, "she just boarded the plane."

"So, when do we tell Norman" Hooman asked suddenly out of the blue while her, Mr Karps and Booman were having a meeting, just days before she passed on. "We don't." Mr karps answered with sternest in his voice. "What?, why?" Booman sounded shocked "He doesn't have to know" he answered again without bulging. He then decided to explain why, "all eyes are on him, he can't afford to slip up, it could spoil the plan. When its all done, I'll explain to him then" he concluded. "Since that's out of the way," Hooman started saying, while changing the subject, "I would like to go first" the shock on the other two faces was vividly visible. "That's not part of the plane young lady" Mr Karps  sounded angry. "I'm very aware of that dad, but I've done some thinking and if I go first this time I'll have more time to focus" she sounded confidence. After thinking about it, Mr karps finally agreed. "I still have a few lose end to knot anyway." Mr Karps said, "we should probably go back inside before mom and Norman begin to suspect anything". Booman said and in they all went.

Amara called for the Directors of SIFA and ABS, "we have a situation on our hands, the bombs just came back online, we have approximately 10minutes before they start to go off, what can we do?" She said. "Nothing at this point, ma'am" the director of ABS said. "Alright then, you can go then" she then turned to the director if SIFA, "I need you to send your finest to the ground, I have a few errands I need them to run. Don't ask questions, this is a direct order. Just carry it out." Rewinding to a few minutes before, while Amara was still on the call with Mrs Wood, someone joined in on  their call. "I think I have an Idea" the female voice said. With effective reflexes, both Amara and Ronnie Anne stood up, saluted and said simultaneously, "Ma'am!" Along with Amara, was her assistant, Maxim, who was shell shocked after seeing the only woman who had all the leaders of the world on speed dial, the "President of the world" so she was called, paying her respect to someone else. The question that hit her was, "Lady Amara has someone above her?" Amara looked up and knew that her ever inquisitive assistant was already doing what she does best, its how she worked her way to be the assistant to the most powerful woman on the face of the earth anyways. "Please, excuse me" Amara said, "yes ma'am" Maxim answered as she exited Amara's office.

The mysterious female voice started to talk again, "we can take charge of this opportunity" she started. After stating her plan she asked for Amara's and Mrs Wood's opinions.  "As genius as always, you must have thought this through, right?" Mrs Wood said with little doubt in her voice. "You're worried about your kids, Don't worry Anne, I'll take care of them" the voice assured. "We can't afford to show ourselves right now, so how exactly do we do this without being noticed" Amara asked, "Send in the SIFAs, they should be able to pull this off" she then waited to hear if there was anymore questions, " we all have tasks to do, let's do them. Remember, the safety of the world is in jeopardy.

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