Chapter 7: Emma

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Covis was standing beside a vending machine inside a mall in Twickenham, waiting to meet his partner. "Hey, Don. Been waiting here for you for about an hour now" Covis said with a tad of annoyance in his voice. "We have to go, now!" Don said still while unsettled. Covis tried to resist, "Answer me fir-" Don didn't let him finish before he grabbed him by the collar, "NOW!!" He said sternly, "we need to go, I'll explain in the car"

Mr Wood and his daughter Beets travelled to Asia when Beets was about 10 years of age, in order to visit Mr Wood's younger sister Davi. A young looking woman in her late thirty's, with a striking identical resemblance to her brother. Her residence was located in Russia, as they arrived, she came out to welcome them, "It's so nice to see you, Don after such a long time" Davi  said happily, "Yeah, how long has it been, eight, nine years" Mr Wood said awkwardly as he rubbed the back of his neck. "This must be Emma" he said as he knelt low to the level of the young girl by Davi's side. She shyly took few steps backward and went behind Davi to hide herself. "Don't worry sweetheart, he's family" Davis assured the little girl. She then slowly and cautiously came out of her hiding and Mr wood introduced himself and beets to the young girl. "Pretty" young Emma said as she pointed to Beets' dress with the cutest possible smile ever.

Peets was studying in his room when his mother came in, "Can you help me run to the mall to get some stuff?" Mrs Wood asked. "Sorry mom, can Emma please do it?" Peets said politely. "Emma's not home yet and you know that" his mother replied. "She hasn't been home for five days now, what's going on" he asked. "Its her new job, you know that also" Mrs wood answer with a frown. "You want to know what I don't know, huh mom?" Peets said in a feat of rage, "Why she has a job out of town, what this job is exactly and why, why I haven't seen my sister for five days now" he said with frustration. He then stood up from his study chair, "she's the only one left, you know. What if something happens to her, I'll never forgive myself." He then sat back down like he had had enough and was on the verge of giving up, "I bet Booman is looking down at me wherever she is right now, disappointed. Knowing Beets she's probably laughing at how miserable and pathetic I've become without her. I bet Emma from two, three years ago is probably not so happy that I let her become the girl she is today." He then let out a loud sigh, "Don't talk like that, you know I wouldn't have let her go if I didn't have assurance that she would be safe" Mrs Wood tried to sound convincing. "Assurance" Peets chuckled, "you had no choice in the matter mum, if you had stopped her she wouldn't have listened" Peets then pulled a picture out of his study desk drawer of Emma, Beets and himself, a slight smile came over his face. "She's her own woman these days, you know" he said as he looked at his mum with tears in his eyes, "where did we go wrong?" He asked as he bursted into tears. Mrs Wood just remained in front of him, in her wheelchair as he wept his heart out.

About two years after Booman went missing, on a chill morning, Emma was walking to school when a Black limousine that had been driving behind her since she left home finally drove and stopped beside her. The last tinted passenger window rolled down and Amara, a dark woman, wearing a brown trench coat over a shirt and tie, sun glasses on her face and a black hat over head emerged. "Do you mind lending me a little bit of your time, dear Emma Wood. I promise it would be worth your while" Emma hesitated before agreeing and the door opened for her to get in. She sat across from Amara while still trying to ascertain if agreeing to the demands of this rich and powerful looking woman sitting in front of her was the right thing to do. "Relax, Darling. I'm not going to hurt you, I just want to talk" Amara said sweetly. "What do you want, I'm going to be late for school" Emma said sassily. "So bold, nearly arrogant, if you ask me. This will definitely be worth my while" Amara said, as she poured herself a glass of red grape sparkling drink, "You want some?" She asked Emma, "Its nonalcoholic" she quickly added, then she laughed. Emma shook her head to signal no, Amara sighed, "Well then, My name is Amara Doyle, and the information I'm about to dispense to you is unavailable anyway you have access to, I can't say the same for your mother, Ronnie Anne though, I would advice you keep this meeting between us a secret to everyone, even your brother, Peets. Your mum already knows we'll be having this meeting today so rest assured, you're in safe hands" she stopped to take a sip from her glass. Then she continued, "like I was saying, I'm the head of a top secret world organization known as Gpol"

"You're driving like an insane person, what's gotten the great lynx so scared" Covis said while trying to balance himself after Don just took a risky left turn. "Check and see for yourself, behind us, black SUVs closing in on us" Don said. "I see them, those look like Gpol standard issues" Covis pointed out. "Yes they are and they are here to get rid of us" Don said as he took another sharp risky turn, "what do you mean get rid of us" Covis asked confused. "A . Pope's grave, I found the final clue and it led me straight to his grave, long story cut short, Amara hid a lot from us." How do you know that? Covis interrupted him. "Would you let me finish!" Don shouted frustrated. "X is actually the son of drac-" before he could complete the last word, a car crashed into theirs from the side and sent their car rolling in the other direction. Before the car came to a stop Covis was flung out of the car into a nearby alley. Huge men came out of the SUVs in black and walked over to where the car was and dragged out the already unconscious Don out. Covis had just managed to regain consciousness and he watch as they took Don away. "O boy, I'm going to have a tough time explaining this to Ronnie Anne" he said as he limped farther into the alley.

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