I looked away from her as she took my hand and clasped it between hers, "I realized when I woke up in the hospital wing that I almost died. We all could've easily been killed just like Harry's godfather. I'm not going to allow myself to--"

"To feel?" Marcy snorted, "if you alienate yourself from all of them, it's just going to backfire. Trust me on that."

I rolled my eyes, "parchment and a pen then, please."

I scrawled a short note, letting them know I was perfectly fine before handing it back to her. "Send it for me, will you?"

"Of course, sweetie," she smiled before walking down the hall to her owl. "Speaking of your Friends..."

"Don't you dare start this again!" I groaned when she reappeared.

"You're tearing those two boys apart...just open your heart and listen!" She pleaded.

"There's a battle going on if you haven't noticed, Aunt Marcy!" I scoffed, "maybe after its all over.." I muttered.

"But what if that's too late?"

"Then they were never worth it to begin with!"

"Honestly, I thought seeing every musical on Broadway would help you think this over..." she muttered.

"You also thought shopping would do the trick." I closed my eyes as I sat back on my bed and sighed as she appeared with a small plate of salad.

"Clear your head and listen to your heart!" she's said this about fifty times so far this summer.

"I'm part of the Order, I don't have time for this!" I shouted.

Aunt Marcy looked at me, her expression hard as she stepped closer and took my arms in her hands. "Stop this, Kayley Danielle Sorrin. Stop trying to deny the idea of being loved by someone who is so willing to love you."


"I can't let you turn into me, I won't stand for it." she shook her head, a little sad as her eyes pricked with tears. "I can't watch you turn away from those two boys who are so desperately begging for your attention. Please, I know that you're afraid and I understand why! I was there once myself, but you can't do this to yourself. You can't cut off your emotions like this, I won't let you do it."

I wiped my eyes as I averted my gaze from her, "what do you suppose I do then?"

"I'll take you home with me, and we'll talk about this until you've chosen something on the matter."

I closed my eyes and sighed, "I have the Order and we've already tried this."

"I'm not allowing you to do that anymore."

"I have a mission, there's nothing you can do."

Aunt Marcy scowled, "oh I'll think of something," she threatened as she walked away. "I'm packing your bags this instant!" She shouted from the hall.

I sighed and sprawled out on my bed, I hid my eyes under my arm as I heard shuffling around me. I wanted to be invisible for as long as possible.

"We're leaving, unless you have something to say," Aunt Marcy said as she looked over me.

"I have nothing to say," I mumbled miserably.

Aunt Marcy sighed, "you brought this on yourself, sweetie."

I nodded, of course I did. I just knew it. I closed my eyes and a few tears escaped. I heard Aunt Marcy rummaging in my room around me, packing bags for another one of our trips-they were getting old and weren't doing a thing at all to help me this summer. They served as distractions and nothing more.

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