Then, suddenly, Taemins knees gave in and he fell to the ground. Chaewon caught him and held him tightly in her arms, preventing his fall and further injuries.

Then she sank down on the floor, for Taemin to sit down. Taeminie... don't overdo yourself, love, she signed worriedly. Taemin nodded and then pointed at Seonghwa, who was still laying on the floor.

"Seonghwa", Chaewon called him, he lifted his head. "Take that pain and make it ten times worse. Now you know what Taemin and I have been gone through. And.. why did you even kidnap him? Please don't tell me another stupid thing", she begged, being absolutely done.

Seonghwa gathered himself and tried his best to stand up. "Because his place should be mine", he growled, only earning a lifted brow from the girl. "I should be your destined partner, not that cripple"

Chaewon's eyes were just slits, but she was quiet. "It should be me, who should be on your side!"

Chaewon laughed at that, confusing Seonghwa. "Wow. You're jealous. And stupid. Guess what?", she smirked. He shrugged. "You've already had your chance, Hwa. You had your chance, but you stood on the wrong side on that day. You missed your chance"

Seonghwa flinched, her words hit him like a truck. Even her old nickname for him hurt more than thousands of hits from a whip.

"I don't want you on my side, Seonghwa. Not anymore. You showed me that I can't trust you" Every one of her words felt like a punch in his face.

"I don't need you anymore, Seonghwa. I only need Taemin" Chaewon said. Seonghwa watched her looking full with love at that boy in her arms. The boy smiled lightly at her, he suddenly moved his hands very quickly, confusing Seonghwa.

It didn't get better as Chaewon did it too; Seonghwa couldn't help but feel excluded in his own house.

Then Chaewon looked up again, noticing Seonghwas confused gaze.

"Do you know, who you kidnapped? Who it is, you brought here?", she coldly said. Seonghwa shook his head once again. "Do you know someone called Lee Taemin?", she deadpanned.

Seonghwas brain went into panic mode. Of course he knew who Lee Taemin was. The boy she lastly got assigned to guard. He slightly nodded. "Did you ever, ever, while torturing him, see the scars on his neck?"

Chaewon gently brushed a few hair strands off the said scars. She slowly stood up, Taemin shored and clung onto her. They slowly walked up to Seonghwa; the taller looked down at the girl, scared.

She gently brushed a stray hair out of Seonghwas face, he allowed himself to close his eyes and melt into the movement. "Let me.. enlighten you about what happened to Taemin because my mother held me back"

With these words she held his forehead, letting him live through the nightmare they had lived through.

With a shocked expression Seonghwa got back to reality as Chaewon took back her hand, Taemin dragged her a little away from the taller.

"You... he..", Seonghwa couldn't form a whole sentence. "I see, you got it. If I would've arrived just a second later, he would've died. Is that what you wanted? Because you knew we were destined for each other. It was you who send these demons, because which demon in the right mind would attack a child? You wanted to kill Taemin, so that you could take that place on my side", she realised while signing to Taemin.

"It was you", she spit out. "All along. You" "Chae.." "Oh no, don't come at me like that. It is your fault, Seonghwa. Everything", she said coldly.

She was right. It was his fault. His knees gave in, she just watched him fall.

Seonghwa bowed his head. "I'm sorry"
"Tell that Taemin", she just said. Seonghwa looked up to the handsome, sweet boy clinging onto his ex-best friend. "I'm sorry", he said again.

Taemin opened his mouth and Seonghwa was so shocked by the sight of his missing tongue that he almost missed the boy mouthing 'it's okay'.

Seonghwas whole body trembled. "Why would you forgive me? I... it is all my fault that you can't speak and hear", he looked at the boy, not understanding why he would forgive him.

Chaewon watched Taemin sign calmly. "He said because if you didn't ordered these demons there, he would never had met.. me", Chaewon translated, realising that it was true.

Well, basically the met before school, but they got close because of the hours they spent together because of school.

Seonghwa shook his head, the guilt eating him up. He started crying. "Chae, I'm so sorry.. I-I just... I-"
He was silenced by a sweet pair of lips.

Chaewon released almost a second after again. "I know, Hwa. I know", she said softly. "Well, now we're two who blame themselves for the attack"

Seonghwa laughed between sobs. "The one who is really to blame though is dead, by the way", Chaewon mentioned. "Your mother is dead?", Seonghwa wanted to know, shocked.

Chaewon nodded. "Taemin and I killed her", she hummed. "Well anyway... Taemin asks what happened to you, since you're obviously not in heaven anymore"

Seonghwa sighed, sitting more comfortably down, so did Taemin and Chaewon. "They kicked me out short after you. They banned me down here because I was your best friend, they feared that might go and find you, I guess", Seonghwa told the pair.

Taemin furrowed his eyebrows, earning a light giggle from Chaewon. "Hwa", Chaewon then said, Seonghwa looked immediately at her. "Let me see your back", she pleaded.

Seonghwa hesitated. "I know I said before that I can't trust you, Hwa, but that's bullshit I talked because I was fucking furious", she calmly said.

After that, Seonghwa got rid of his shirt, showing his injured and half-burned back. His wings broke out of his back, the feathers were black and burned, seeming to fall out by the lightest touch. Also, there were spaces, where no feathers or even skin was left; just the bones.

It was horror to see. "Hwa..." Chaewon was shocked, but she quickly signed at Taemin. My sword please, baby. He almost immediately handed her the short sword.

Seonghwa felt the deadly powerful presence of the swords and shivered, wanting to back away. "No, Hwa, please... please don't move.. let me try to heal them"

She cut her own palm (again) and dropped the blood onto his wings, the golden light appeared.

As it disappeared again, his wings looked better, but not healed at all. At least the wound she was responsible for was healed. Chaewon sighed. "It will take some more", she mumbled. Seonghwa let his wings disappear again and got his shirt back on.

"Hwa... come home" Chaewon's eyes escaped a tear. "Please come home, Hwa. I miss you, after all you're still my best friend" Seonghwa looked at Taemin, he shrugged. "Hwa, please. I can understand if you can't see me because you love me and all, but please. Hell deserves no one"

Seonghwa lowered his head. "The counsel bound me to this place. I can't" Chaewon scoffed. "The counsel is dead. You can"

Seonghwa lifted his head abruptly. "What?!" Chaewon nodded. "I killed them" "But- how? Don't get me wrong, but didn't they took your powers and wings?"

Chaewon scoffed again. "They did, yes. But who said I couldn't come back to get them back?" Seonghwa now tore up. "Show me please"

Her wings unfolded, literally glowing. They were majestic as the last time he saw them - wait. "Two wings are missing" Chaewon smiled a little painfully. "Ah yes.. I ripped them out"

With a few signs, Taemins wings unfolded, the white was exactly the same. "You gave him your wings?", Seonghwa squeaked. She nodded, both let their wings disappear again.

"Are you coming home now or not?", Chaewon then asked.

Seonghwa didn't even think.

"Of course!"

Sometimes, Love is Silent | Lee TaeminWhere stories live. Discover now